The guaranteed way to manifest your desires

As the year comes to a close, I wanted to give you a powerful message to help you manifest your wildest dreams in the New Year. It hurts me to see people struggle and stay in situations they don’t want because they don’t understand how to transform their situation, but if you really understand and become what I say in this article, you will find a guaranteed way to manifest your desires.

I also want to be straight with you: Manifesting what you want can be super easy or super hard.

Yes, that’s right.

Let me explain.

The universe operates via vibration and magnetism and everything operates according to laws. Like attracts like. So if you’re on the same energy frequency as that which you want, it will flow into your reality like magic and without much effort on your part. It is a guaranteed way to manifest.

Physics will take care of the problem for you, just as easy as something will fall to the ground if you drop it. You don’t have to force it to fall, it just will. It’s taken care of by the laws of physics.

What if your needs, wants and desires could be taken care of just as easily as dropping an item on the floor? Well, my friend, it can!

When you are a vibrational match to what you want, whatever you want will flow to you with ease. It’s just a matter of time before what you want is yours. This is the guaranteed way to manifest what you want.

The reason manifesting can be difficult is because you are not a match to what you want to manifest, and so, manifesting what you want may seem really hard, and for a good reason.

If you’re not a match to what you want to manifest, it will be that never ending running and chasing after a carrot you can’t seem to grab a hold of no matter how hard you try. The faster you run, the faster the carrot is also moving away from you. You can’t seem to win no matter what you do and the same problem or challenge seem to repeat itself over and over.

Do you remember me mentioning magnetism? Have you ever tried to put two magnets against each other only to feel them push away from each other? You can’t see anything in between them, it’s just air, but somehow there is this powerful force that doesn’t allow them to touch.

This is what it looks like when you’re not a match to what you are seeking. What you want cannot come to you no matter how hard you try, as your energy will push it away just like the magnet example.  It’s simple physics.

I’ve been there too and it can be SO frustrating, right? Like almost drive you crazy kind of frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

If that is your reality in one or more areas of your life, don’t be discouraged as this may be the exact message you need to hear in order to change your reality around for good – no matter what it is you are trying to be, do have or create and no matter how serious your problem is.

The key to changing your situation is to become a match to what you want so instead of those two magnets pushing each other away, now you become the magnet that attracts the things you want to you effortlessly: More clients, more time, more money, better lifestyle, better health, better relationships, more love, more support, whatever your heart desires!

To better understand what the energies pushing things away from you are and how to remove them, read this article where I explain the most common reasons you’re not able to manifest what you want.

In order for you to become that magnet that pulls what you want to you effortlessly you have to fully embody and BE what you seek. You see, nothing comes to you from the outside, everything comes to you from within and so the only way for you to change this dynamic is to change who you are within.

You have to first become what you seek before you can actually see the reality of it in the physical world.

This is why most people fail to manifest what they say they want. They are simply not an energetic match.

  • You cannot manifest abundance from feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions based in lack.
  • You cannot become healthy from feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions based on illness.
  • You cannot attract love from feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions based on lack of love.
  • You cannot attract the feeling or experience of having more time by focusing on lack of time.

Doing any of this is like repelling the very thing that you want, like the two repelling magnets.

You attract what you are, not what you want.

The Universe only knows yes. It only knows what you focus on, whether or not you want what you focus on, so this means if you want more abundance, you need to FOCUS on abundance, NOT lack.

If you want more abundance, you have to BE more abundant. You have to act, think and feel abundant no matter what your situation looks like right now and no matter how much is in your bank account. 

How can you feel more abundant? What can you do right now that will make you feel more abundant? How can you make more abundant choices? For example, buying something because it’s cheap is not an abundant thought or action, and will not contribute to become a magnet for abundance, quite the opposite.

Make your decisions based on what you WANT and based on how that thing will make you feel rather than how much it costs. Remember, there is no lack other than in your mind, so when you do things based on what you want while feeling and thinking abundant thoughts, you will start becoming a match for abundance and as a result, attract more of it.

(For some help raising your frequency to feel more abundant, read this post.)

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When you make a shift from feeling lack to abundance, you could start seeing results very fast. At times when I’ve felt less than abundant and switched my thoughts and actions, often things start to open up right away, sometimes within just minutes. I’ve literally had people show up on my door with a check in hand just minutes after making a decision to purchase something expensive that I wanted, but had been holding off on. The moment I took action and showed my faith, the check showed up at the door. (I mean literally!)

The key here though is that your action and faith needs to come first.

The key to this is to understand that there is no lack other than in your mind, and the Universe will reflect back to you like a mirror exactly who you are being.

And remember here that most of what you project out in your energy is stuff you are not aware of, it’s subconscious beliefs and thoughts that run in the background, but nonetheless are creating your reality. You change your projection and the image in the mirror will change too, ie. your experience will be different.

To make this more real think about this for a moment: Pretend that somebody is watching your every thought, action, belief and choices you make and evaluating you to see if you have learned your lesson about being abundant and attracting abundance. If you pass the lesson, abundance will be yours. If you fail, you fail to experience that abundance.

This means you need to keep yourself accountable for every thought, action and beliefs all the time.

You cannot fool this person watching you, because the person is watching your energy vibration, and energy doesn’t lie, so trying to play tricks won’t work – it will only sabotage yourself and your results.

The key here is your actions speak louder than words because your actions confirm your faith. You cannot say that you feel abundant but at the same time tell yourself you cannot “afford” something or go out looking for bargains. That is not coming from a place of abundance.

If you don’t have the resources right in front of you to do something you want to do, instead of saying I cannot afford, which will only bring more lack, instead say, I don’t know how, but I want to do this and I’m going to find a way to do it. By doing this you are telling the Universe that you are going to have it, which means the likelihood of it happening will be magnified. This is very powerful because the Universe listens to your every thought through vibration. It’s all about energy and your thoughts, feelings and beliefs are projecting energy.

Even though there may not be a specific person watching your every move, the Universe pays attention, and this is why when you operate from this new abundant place, when your frequency changes, money and abundance can flow to you fast because you’re now an energetic match, you have become a magnet for it. It doesn’t need to take a long time to completely transform your situation once you change who you are being.

Since everything in your world is created from you, then the quickest way to manifest what you want is to become it. That’s it. It’s very simple, yet not always easy. But when you are a complete match with your desires, you live them: This is the guaranteed way to manifest.

You may have old habits, beliefs, feelings and thoughts that sometimes makes it hard to shift from one reality to the next. You’re so used to operate from a certain reality, how do you even shift it?

If you have tried to shift who you are being and you haven’t been successful, it’s likely because you’re fighting your subconscious programming. Because your subconscious mind is so much more powerful than your conscious mind, fighting it won’t work. However, once you remove the inner obstacles and reprogram the subconscious, you will become a match to what you want, which means…it’s just a matter of time before it’s your reality.

If you want some help with this, I invite you to get a free copy of my Success-soul® Living Starter Kit. You will receive a powerful healing activation to assist you in clearing deep subconscious patterns and beliefs that are keeping your stuck, as well as other resources to help you manifest your wildest dreams.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.