10 ways to tap into your intuition to stay aligned with your higher truth

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Although we all have intuition, some people block it out or don’t pay attention to it.

I’m sure there’ve been times you knew instinctively what to do but didn’t do it, right? Then after you may have told yourself “I knew I shouldn’t have done that”. That’s your intuition.

Sometimes we need to let our ego go completely in order to truly tap into our intuition because the ego will get in the way. Our conscious mind doesn’t always find what our intuition tells us practical or logical, and sometimes will dismiss the messages you get.

The Universe leaves you clues about what you need to do. Listen and trust and you will be lead to your purpose.

If you keep dismissing the messages, usually the messages will become stronger and the universe will eventually do what it can to get you back on track. Kind of like it did to me when I got so sick I had to stop everything I was doing as my body would not allow me to keep going. But I’ve learned my lessons since then, fortunately.

The other day I got an intuitive inkling that I needed to go to a certain bookstore. I had a picture in my mind about where in the bookstore I needed to go, and on what shelf I needed to look.

The next day I went there. Then, as if magic, on the same shelf I had envisioned in my mind, was a book that stood out. I knew this book was the reason I was called to the store, and I knew exactly what message it was sending me.

It was related to something I knew I needed to do, but I had been procrastinating because I wasn’t quite sure how to get started. The book gave me another message to get into action and not dismiss the idea I had been procrastinating on.

Are you tapping into your intuition on a daily basis?

Spend time in quiet every day and watch your life transform.

Here are 10 ways to connect with your intuition so you can get the answers you need when you need them:

  • Spend time in quiet every day. Having a regular meditation practice is a great way to learn to quiet the mind as the mind and all our thoughts tend to block out the messages we get. The more you can quiet your mind, the easier you will hear your intuition.
  • Journal. You don’t need to think about what to write about. Just write whatever comes to mind. This is a great way to clear your mind but you may also notice that as you write you suddenly see the answers you have been looking for appear on the paper.
  • Take a walk and spend time in nature. Just listen to nature. Avoid the temptation to bring with you music or listen to anything while you walk. Just be with yourself and nature and let your thoughts wander.
  • Ask yourself a question before going to bed and let your subconscious mind work on it while you are sleeping. Your subconscious mind never sleeps and it will do what your conscious mind tells it to do. Just say: Subconscious mind; please help me find the answer while I am sleeping so I can wake up tomorrow with clarity.
  • Pay attention to repetitive signs. Have you ever heard the saying: When the student is ready the teacher will appear? Well, there are no coincidences. If something keeps showing up in your life, there’s a reason. Synchronicities is the Universe trying to give you a message. Are you paying attention and listening?
  • If you feel pulled to do something, call someone, go somewhere, do it! There’s a reason you are being called. Trust it’s in your best interest to follow your inner nudges. Who knows what will be the result of honoring it?
  • Get into the habit of looking within for answers rather than asking others for advice when it comes to figuring out what is right for you. You have all the answers inside, if you just let them come through and trust your own guidance.
  • Move your body. The more you move your body and exercise, the more you get out of your head, allowing the messages to come through.
  • Reduce the amount of chemicals you put into your body, they will block your intuition. There is already chemicals in our air, food and water so our precious bodies can get overloaded. A mind and body full of chemicals tends to numb you and block your access to higher truth.
  • Learn to understand the difference between your intuition and fear/ego. Intuition comes in silent nudges. It will usually hit you when you least expect it, not when you are trying to figure things out. Often, what you hear won’t first make sense to you. Your intuitive hits may also come as a surprise, such as, really? Am I supposed to do this? I never even thought of that. Pay attention to how the message you receive makes you feel. I’ve found that our intuition is our best guide and business partner. I invite you to listen to and trust the guidance you receive.

If you would like to start running your business more in alignment with your soul and intuition, make sure you start implementing some of these strategies. I recommend you pick the ones that resonate most with you.

If you want to start living your life and running your business from a place of higher guidance, live more in flow and step deeper into your purpose doing work you feel called to do, I invite you to check out my free training: The 5D Mini Series: How to elevate your business to 5D and create unlimited abundance and freedom living your purpose. Just click here for instant access to this series.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.