Do parallel realities really exist?

Parallel realities is a fascinating concept. After my awakening many years ago I’ve been very conscious of how I create my own reality and how anything is possible.

I’ve experienced many so called miracles: Instantaneous healings of so called chronic conditions, miraculous money manifestations and synchronicities almost too good to be true. 

When you have a better understanding of how reality works, you can use this knowledge to your advantage to create any experience you wish to experience. Nothing is impossible! I believe the understanding of parallel realities just shows you how malleable the world actually is.

As I’m sure you’ve heard me say lots of times that energy is everything and depending on what frequency you operate on, you will experience a different version of reality that matches the frequency you’re on. 

This is actually because different parallel realities exist at different levels of frequency.

I’ve had several very surreal experiences lately that got me to study parallel realities at a deeper level than before. What I’ve learned is so fascinating and I hope what I share here will enlighten and empower you. 

It all started as I sat down in meditation one day asking my higher self to show me the truth about what’s going on around Covid and what’s at the root of everything that is happening. I was clear that I wouldn’t leave my meditation until I had an answer. 

In that meditation, after sitting there for a while with nothing coming to me, all of a sudden, like on a movie screen images started flashing before my eyes, showing me the answers to the question I had asked.

I knew intuitively in that moment that what I had seen in my meditation was true, even though it wasn’t the answer I necessarily wanted to hear. 

A quick google search confirmed what I had seen in my meditation.

I was feeling uneasy about the information I uncovered and doing some deep shadow work to heal the darkness that came up around this information. 

During this time I was presented with some very interesting experiences that helped me better understand parallel realities. And I couldn’t help but wonder….what if there is more than one storyline here…?

I don’t usually watch the news and haven’t for years as I know the negative effect this fear based programming has on our psyche and vibration, but as people I highly respected were sending me pieces of information, I trusted the information had come to me for a reason and I started looking at the different theories about what was going on, trying to make sense of it all.

Being a truth seeker, I want to get to the truth of the matter what and see all sides of a story without being attached to what I believe. I believe that’s the only way we can find truth, by having an open, unbiased mind.

As I started adding the pieces together, I couldn’t help but notice different beliefs and storylines happening side by side.

Some of the information was very dark and I noticed the polarized conversations that started happening online and on Facebook around these different theories and the intense and heated conversations.

(I’ve since deleted my Facebook app from my phone to get back to my peaceful, normal life 🙂 )

During the same period, the Universe clearly wanted to show me in clear terms how parallel realities work, as I had several (I am still experiencing more every day) experiences to show me more about understanding parallel realities. 

I want to share one of these experiences now.

I have been walking on a certain forest trail for years, at periods every day. The other day when I arrived to walk on the trail, something was very different.

The first thing I noticed is the the trail was completely empty. There wasn’t another person there. Usually, when I walk at that time, there are lots of people on the trail. 

However, when I was about half way on my hour-long walk, something bizarre happened. There was a guy standing sideways on the trail looking out into the forest. I thought he was looking at something specific, so I tried to see if there was an animal or something he was looking at, but there was nothing there that I could notice.

The odd thing was how completely still he was standing. There was no movement at all.  It almost felt like there was no human inside of him. Like it was an empty shell or some different type of being I’m not familiar with, but he looked just like a human being. 

Whenever you meet people on this trail, people usually greet each other. This was different. As I walked by, he didn’t even move his head to see that I was coming, like most people would do instinctually for safety.

It was as if he was literally frozen.

It was a narrow trail, just a few feet wide, and I passed right behind him. It felt as if he had absolutely no awareness that I was there at all. It was very bizarre.

As I finished my walk, I was contemplating what I had seen, thinking this was so surreal. I had never experienced anything quit like it. It was also strange there were no other people on the trail as I usually pass many people during my walk.

The next day, I came back to the same trail. As I parked my car, I had this strange feeling that one of the cars in the parking lot “didn’t belong there”. It was just an intuitive hit of some kind. It certainly looked different from the cars that normally park there. I didn’t think more of it.

Then, as I walked down the trail, I saw a tent in the forest. I’ve walked this trail for many years, at periods even daily, and I’ve never seen a tent there – besides I can’t even imagine how you could put one up as there aren’t really any open spaces without big plants, roots etc. It’s a very dense forest. Nevertheless, it was there. 

Something just felt very off. I kept walking realizing that today as well, there were absolutely not a single person on the trail.

When I got close to where I had seen the guy the day prior, I noticed a guy that looked similar to the guy I saw the day before about 100 yards away from me. 

For some reason I stopped and hesitated. I was just at a crossing of trails and didn’t want to take the longer trail, but the shorter route had this man on it, and somehow I had a strange and uneasy feeling about it, which is very unusual, as I’m normally not afraid at all.

I stopped, waiting so he could walk farther away from me, and as I stopped and looked at him, he turned around, stopped and looked right back at me.

Now I felt really odd, as he had noticed that I was staring at him.

It was really bizarre. My intuition told me to run away. I just knew something wasn’t normal. What did this guy want from me? Why were there no other people on the trail?

In that moment I remembered someone several years ago warned me of walking alone in that forest saying that there are guys that attack women in there. But yet, I’ve walked there for years and I’ve never been afraid or seen anything even close to creepy, except for the time I ran into a bear. But, that’s a story for another time 😉

Anyways, I decided to turn back around and go back the way I came from. I’ve never done that before but I wanted to honor my intuition. Something just felt off.

As I started walking back and away from the guy I started literally running all the way back to my car – not seeing a single person on the way back.

The next day, I went back to the trail again. 

Everything was back to normal. There were people on the trail as usual, the tent was gone and it just seemed like I was in a completely different reality. Same trail, yet not the same. 

The day prior in the forest had a different feel, it’s something it’s difficult to describe, but it had a different quality to it. 

This may seem like it’s just some random coincidences, but I’m certain it’s not given all of the other similar experiences I’ve had recently and over the years – and given my understanding about parallel realities. 

So…after that long intro, let’s talk about parallel realities. What are they and do they really exist? 

I’ve been studying the work of Dolores Cannon and Darryl Anka. They are both in contact with higher intelligent beings who have taught them about the concept of parallel realities. 

What I’m sharing here is mostly information I have from those two sources, and confirmation from my own personal experiences, which have been many over the years. 

First, I want to warn you. Reality is very different from what most people think it is and you may feel like you’re entering a twilight zone or some kind of science fiction movie.

Like I often say, we live in a world of illusion, and this is true by any stretch of the imagination. Nothing is as it seems!

What I’m sharing here may challenge your beliefs about how reality works. If you don’t want your worldview to be challenged, you can stop reading right now. 

First, there is no fixed reality, everything is fluid, changing from second to second, reality to reality. We are constantly walking in and out of different parallel realities, which exist side by side on earth at different levels of frequencies.

These are actual physical realities that exist side by side. These parallel realities can be very similar with just small differences between them. 

For example, in one parallel reality there may be a gas station off a certain exit off the freeway, yet in another reality on the same road that gas station doesn’t even exist at all.

What separates these realities are frequencies. You will experience the parallel reality that your frequency resonates with in the moment. 

I’m going to explain this quite complex concept as well as I can, but know I have to simplify a bit to fit it into this blog.

There are infinite parallel realities, containing all possibilities of any possible outcomes. In fact, any time you make a decision, the version of you that made a different choice continues to live in a parallel reality. This means that you are creating different versions of yourself in parallel realities many times per day! There are many versions of you existing simultaneously in different versions of reality.

This is so that your soul or God/Source/Universe can experience any and all possibilities that exists.

Of course, it’s a different version of you that goes into that parallel reality, but there are many versions of you in parallel realities, even though your conscious mind is only present in this one reality you’re conscious of. 

All these parallel realities exist side by side at different levels of frequencies. From what Bashar explains, you can sometimes see into the other parallel worlds, as if looking through a window, but even though you can see these other realities, they are separated by a window, and those other realities you don’t resonate with cannot affect you, as you are shielded so to speak by the “glass” that separate these worlds. 

This explains why someone living from a 3D level of awareness (or parallel reality) and someone living from a place of 5D (The 5th Dimension) will experience two completely different worlds. 

Having lived in 5D for the last several years, I certainly feel like I’ve lived in a different world from those living in the limited 3D reality.

A big part of what I teach my clients is to elevate themselves to 5D or the 5th Dimension, as that is a much more empowering reality than the limited 3D experience.

If you want to learn more about how to upgrade yourself to living in 5D you can click here to watch my free training:

The 5D miniseries: How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose.

One important aspect to understand is that, according to Bashar you shift parallel realities billions of times per second, and it’s this shifting of parallel realities that appear as what humans think of as time.

Because the truth is, there is only now, time is a construct humans created, it doesn’t really exist. Everything is happening right now. Side. by. side.

Think about it. Let’s take a manifesting example to show how this works and how you can jump into another reality by making a new choice or setting an intention.

Let’s imagine you set the intention that the drive today is going to be easy and that there isn’t going to be any traffic on the road. I set these kinds of intentions all the time, and whenever I remember to set the intention, I always seem manifest what I intended. Do you ever do that?

You drive this road that is normally crowded this time of day, but you get to ride the open road without traffic. Someone else may be driving the same road at the same time, but they are stuck in traffic on a crowded road, but you just shifted yourself into the parallel reality that didn’t have traffic!

You’re driving the same road at the same time, you’re in different parallel realities. One road has traffic, the other doesn’t.

It’s your frequency as well as your choices and intentions which determine which parallel reality you actually experience. 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just jump into the parallel reality you want?

This just shows you how cool this concept really is and it shows how you can literally shift into other worlds where the reality you want exists and do so over and over again as you expand your mind and wish to experience different realities.

You can create ANYTHING you want! Anything is possible but in order to experience that “anything” you need to shift your frequency to match the reality you want to experience. 

Know that all realities and all scenarios do exist and you can walk into whichever parallel reality your frequency resonates with. This is where it’s important to be conscious in choosing what you want and create from the inside-out rather than looking outside of yourself for answers.

Your outside world is just a projection of your prior frequency and the parallel reality you live in as a result.

You get to choose your own reality regardless. And any reality is possible for you depending on your frequency and what reality you wish to manifest – or in other worlds, which parallel reality you choose to inhabit. 

There is not one world, but infinite worlds on different frequencies. You get to choose which reality you want to live in. 

There are many parallel realities going on and being played out in parallel worlds, hence why there are several story lines for what’s really going on in the world. There isn’t just one timeline, there are many!

Is your head spinning yet? 

I know this sounds a bit like science fiction, but if you study this concept deeper, I trust it will make sense to any person with an open mind. This is not manifesting 101, but maybe it should be?

To explain this a bit further, think about the Bermuda Triangle and how ships and airplanes just disappear into thin air when they pass over the triangle. The ships or airplanes are never found, they literally evaporate in thin air never to be found again.

According to Dolores Cannon’s teachings, there is a version of Atlantis still present on earth, and the portal to that dimension has some sort of malfunction on it, and that’s why ships and airplanes can disappear into this other dimension when they pass over the Bermuda Triangle.

I think this is so fascinating!

While part of you may think I have gone mad, I invite you to try this on for a moment because this understanding, if used correctly, can enable you to truly shift your entire world upside down no matter where you are today.

You can manifest and create the reality you want, regardless of how crazy or out there what you want is, or how unlikely it seems from a human perspective.

You can literally draw up your own personal ideal life and create it exactly the way you imagined it by jumping into the parallel reality where this reality already exists.

I have been experiencing strange, mind-blowing and bizarre things daily these days as the Universe clearly wants me to get it’s attention about this matter. 

Parallel realities show us that there isn’t just one reality, there are many, in fact unlimited versions of reality that exists side by side. It’s important to say that these realities are as real as the world you live in. They are physical versions of reality that exists at different frequencies, side by side.

This is exciting, because it explains how anything is possible and how you can use your mind (and frequency) to go into any parallel reality you want to experience as long as you can become a match to it. 

There are unlimited versions of reality available for you to choose from. You are the master, navigating through these invisible walls into one reality after the next, as if you’re navigating a maze where each choice in direction you make leads you down a different version of reality.

Nothing is fixed and your world isn’t either! There isn’t one world, but many worlds. You get to choose which one you want to live in!

And right now, we’re in a time of choosing future timelines or parallel realities. In fact, who you are being now is of paramount importance for which reality you’ll create your future in.

Make sure you focus on creating a reality you want to experience and don’t get caught up in all the drama and limitations of the 3D world. 

I hope this blog has opened your eyes to another world, or worlds, and expanded your perspective on how the world works and what’s possible for you.

If you can’t wrap your head around this, that’s fine too. Just sit with it.

What if you could create a world of health, wealth and unlimited abundance by learning how to get into a parallel reality that reflects that? The truth is you can, and I will share more about how to do this in my 5D Mini training series. You can get free access here.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.