Forgiveness: How to stop recreating your future from your past and set yourself free

Like every human, I’m sure you have experienced plenty of upsetting situations in your life. There may be people, circumstances or events in your life that, when you think of them, you can’t help but feel hurt, anger, resentment or some other disempowering emotion.

As we live in a Universe that works from an energetic perspective, our unresolved emotions will turn into stumbling blocks if we don’t resolve them within ourselves. Like energies attract like energies and resentment brews more reasons to be resentful.

At the core, we are energy beings. Our bodies are vibrating molecules and our thoughts, emotions and beliefs contribute to the overall vibration in our body and energy field.

If you are operating at higher vibrations or frequencies, you will attract situations that will mirror those frequencies and you will experience more reasons to feel happy, in love, abundant, joyful etc.

If you’re vibrating out lower energies, the Universe will create situations for you to match those, the ones you’d rather not want to experience.

You are the creator of everything that happens to you via your energy field and you are 100% responsible for what you create in your life, whether you like what you create or not.

Have you ever been in an upsetting situation only to recreate that situation with another person or in a similar circumstance? This happens because most people create their reality from subconscious memory or programming. You either create from Divine inspiration or from memory (programming). When you create from memory, if the memories are making you upset, then the situations you recreate will upset you just as much or possibly even more.

Have you ever seen an angry person creating more anger in his/her life? There’s always that person who just seems to attract trouble wherever they go. And then there’s the person who just seems to turn everything into gold.

As within, so without.

Let me specify here that when I talk about memories it doesn’t mean you need to remember it. It’s usually subconscious memory and programming from deep within your subconscious mind.  It could be programming and karma that was inherited from your ancestors. You likely don’t know that this memory even exists, but you probably are aware that there might be areas in your life where you keep recreating what you don’t want in your life.

It’s because you’re recreating from memory. Until you clean up that memory, you’ll keep creating that same scenario over and over again.

Wherever you go, there you are. You cannot run from yourself. No matter where you go, you bring this pattern with you and recreate the same patterns through new circumstances, people and events that will essentially make you feel more of whatever your dominant emotion you have related to what is going on.

When you hold onto feelings of resentment, anger, jealousy, hurt (or any other “negative” emotion) you will keep creating experiences that will recreate these same emotions. It’s like you’re glued to it and you can’t get away from it.

You could be gluded to success or to failure.

To abundance or to lack. Happiness, depression, health or illness…

I’ve been giggly observing myself like a fly on the wall while some interesting things happened in my own life recently to teach me the satirical truth of this even more clearly and overtly.

In just one week, (I think the Universe wanted this to get my attention so I could share this with you) I recreated several situations from the past. They were really small, trivial events, but yet they revealed to me the truth of how this works and showed me where I had work to do.

I had fired my old house cleaners because I wasn’t happy with them. In truth, the reason they upset me was because they changed the price on me after cleaning my house, saying it would be more than they had told me before cleaning, with no apparent reason.

I felt strongly that I needed to fire these cleaners because of their lack of integrity. If you want to change the price, tell me before you clean, not after, right?  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to pay more to get my house cleaned, it was how it was communicated to me and the fact that she asked for it after the fact.

I called up some cleaners I used many years ago and they were happy to come clean my house. They confirmed the price and came to clean it. Then, something interesting happened: In the same area of my kitchen as the last lady was telling me about the price increase, the new cleaners did the exact same thing AFTER doing the cleaning!

No real reason given other than: “Your house is really big.” (They have cleaned my house many times before and knew exactly the size of it!)

May I add that my house is cleaner than most and my version of a dirty house is someone else’s clean house. I’m a bit of a neat freak. So it wasn’t because it was so dirty or because of any other logical explanation. I was recreating the same situation from memory!

When my second set of cleaners said the same thing in the same place and mentioned the same amount, in the same way as my other cleaners, I had to kind of laugh inside. Not because I actually thought what was happening was funny but because of the insidious ways we create from memory. I realized I had some work to do to clean up some recent programming that had crept into my mind.

It was a minor situation, but significant nonetheless because of the clarity it brought me about a new pattern I had created that I needed to cancel out.

I realized that the reason the first cleaners upset me by what they did was because I had just gone through a long battle with a family member who was trying to steal a large amount of money from me. And the cleaners simply triggered that memory of people wanting to take from me what wasn’t theirs to take.

In fact, as I was going through that with the family member, because of the energies it created in me (feelings of anger, betrayal, feeling victimized, abused and taken advantage of) I created other situations where people wanted to take my money without a legitimate reason, making me feel even more taken advantage of, angry and victimized.

So, emotionally, this went way deeper than the experience with the cleaners, but the situation with the cleaners just gave me the perfect scenario and mirror to see EXACTLY what I was creating and how I was doing it. And it helped me see I needed to do some work to clean up my subconscious programming.

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The truth is, we may have no idea what the core of this pattern is. It could come from a past life. But the fact that the pattern was running in my life at that time, showed me I had some clean up work to do.

The important thing to realize here is that I created this behavior in both of these cleaners, through my subconscious. I am the creator of my own experience, so I also am the one who creates it when other people do something to me I don’t like.

This is why we need to clean up the subconscious. There is so much trash in there that is creating all kinds of events you don’t like. It’s like the trash can of the mind, where everything gets dumped (the subconscious mind remembers everything and never forgets). Stuff goes in, but very rarely does it make it’s way out, unless you use conscious practices to clean it. There are several ways to to this, and I’ll mention a great way for you below, so keep reading.

The subconscious mind…

Remembers how angry you were with so and so.

Remembers how you were betrayed in a similar situation before.

Remembers how someone cheated on you 1000 lifetimes ago.

And it remembers how you lost all your possessions in a past life and never were able to recover.

And, unless you consciously create your reality, your subconscious mind will keep recreating the past from many of such memories.

Unless you want to create from trash in your subconscious, cleaning out your subconscious is the best way to change the patterns in your life.

Unless you want to create from trash in your subconscious, cleaning out your subconscious is the best way to change the patterns in your life. Click To Tweet

So, how does this translate to your business? As a business owner, let’s say you’re upset over something or with someone. Unless you forgive that person or process your angry feelings so they are no longer active inside of you, you will keep creating more reasons to be upset in your business and in other parts of your life too.

The Universe will be very creative in the way of circumstances coming your way to upset you. Crazy things you could have never imagine could start to happen and you wonder how the heck you manifested that. The answer is, there is some trash in your subconscious – a lot actually – and the trash created more trash for you to deal with.

It’s time to hit the delete button and empty out the trash!

Can you imagine if you never took trash out of your home, just brought more in. Year after year. And when you passed on, your children lived in the same house, and they continued the same, and this went on for generations. Can you imagine the kind of crap you would find in there?

Disgusting, right?

Well, you can’t see what’s in your subconscious mind, but let’s imagine it would look similar if you could see it. What comes to mind is the show about hoarders that you sometimes can see on TV. The subconscious mind is a hoarder. It hoards memories because it doesn’t know how to forget.

The Universe doesn’t operate in compartments. It will just create more things to mirror back to you from your subconscious mind.

This isn’t something you can block in any way because your energy works 24/7 without your conscious awareness. If there is anything that is unresolved within you, it’s likely causing trouble in your own life and in your business repeatedly.

You can consciously forget about the original episode that made you so upset, and your subconscious mind will still remember it clearly like it was yesterday, continuing to recreate the same disempowering scenario, pattern, experience or circumstance.

Because I work so closely with the subconscious mind and I can clear things once I see it, I was able to change the pattern quickly once it became clear to me what I was creating.

Do you pay close attention to your own patterns?

Do you feel like your past is following you wherever you go, repeating patterns you don’t want to experience?

You are the creator of your own reality and if you create from your energy, which you do, whether or not you understand exactly how that works, wouldn’t you want your energy to be as pristine as it possibly could be, so you could create the most wonderful manifestations in your life?

If you do, then here’s my tip. Practice forgiveness. Today, tomorrow, every day. For every little thing that upsets you.

Every emotion that is not processed will stay as an internal block in your energy field until it has been properly processed or released. You can read more about how your suppressed emotions keep you stuck here.

The key to freedom is to keep emptying your subconscious trash can and practice forgiveness.

Like Buddha said: “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

Now that you understand how past events and lack of forgiveness can show up in your life via repeated disempowering events, and why you need to forgive to clean out toxic memories from your subconscious mind, let’s talk about what you can do now to start cleaning up your trash.

First of all, think about any situations, people or circumstances that are making you upset. Write it all down. Who do you need to forgive? Don’t forget yourself here. Forgiving yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do.

Remember that forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. It’s not like the actual memory is being erased, but the emotional attachment to the memory is gone. By releasing the emotional attachment, you are no longer hooked to the pattern.

Remember, forgiveness is something you do for YOU. It doesn’t mean you condone of someone’s behavior if they did something you don’t approve of, it means you are setting yourself free by releasing the emotions attached to those memories.

There are many ways to forgive and you may have your own favorite practice. I’d like to share with you the powerful practice of Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian forgiveness practice. This practice of forgiveness takes personal responsibility to a whole other level. Basically, according to this practice, you are responsible for whatever happens in your life, whether you do it or not. Meaning, you are also responsible for other people’s behaviors. Before you go crazy wanting to argue with me here, hear me on this, because once you truly understand this practice, you’ll see how true the teachings are and how powerfully it works.

Even though in 3D reality we seem to think that everyone else is separate from us, the truth is that through our souls and energy fields, we’re all connected. We’re all one, so if someone else is doing something and you are one with that, can you see how it’s now your responsibility too? (Even if you can’t get over this part, which can be difficult to grasp at first without further insights/trainings in this practice, trust me when I say this is a powerful forgiveness tool.)

This forgiveness practice has received more attention in more recent years as word has come out about how Haleakala (Dr. Hew Len) healed an entire prison ward full of the most dangerous and notorious prisoners in Hawaii without ever seeing them in person. In fact, because of the work he did, they no longer needed the prison, which was later shut down.

I have been so fortunate to learn from Haleakala, an extremely wise man, therapist and Kahuna. (A Kahuna is a Hawaiian Shaman.) If he healed an entire ward of dangerous prisoners with this practice, do you think it might be worth a try?

The practice is very simple, and this is the gist of it: By working on yourself, you also work on other people (there is no separation, remember? We are connected through energy fields.) However, you would never use this practice to work on anyone but yourself,  but the beauty is that because we are all connected, when you work on healing yourself, you are also healing others who have the same memory.)

If you don’t understand this, don’t worry, it will still work for you.

Here’s how to do it: Think about the painful situation or the situation you seek to practice forgiveness around while saying the words: I love you (this is directed to the Divine), I’m sorry (this is directed to the Divine), please forgive me (directed to yourself and your subconscious mind) Thank you (directed towards yourself.)

Essentially, you are taking full responsibility for attracting whatever happened in your own life and you are working on yourself to clear the emotional memories and programming attached to the situation, which is what forgiveness is all about.

You are essentially emptying your trash can, and as you do, you also empty out the same memory in everyone else who has that memory. Remember – you’re not separate!

As you do this practice over and over, working on yourself, you will start to feel that the emotional attachment to the situation will start to dissipate and eventually go away completely.

Imagine that you got a person from the hoarders show to come help you remove garbage from your overfilled, stinky home full of trash and rotten and de-composing materials, toxic gasses and dangerous bacteria and viruses saturating the space. As you are continuing to say this mantra in your mind, the Divine (Source, God, Universe or higher power, whatever you want to call it) is acting as your trash collector, cleaning trash out of your subconscious mind.

Don’t underestimate what might happen as a result of doing this work. I’ve had magical things happen almost instantly after doing Ho’Oponopono.

In that sense, you can say that practicing Ho’oponopono is a shortcut to creating more miracles and magic in your life 🙂 Are you ready to try it?

Want some help changing patterns that aren’t serving you so you can start manifesting your wildest dreams with more ease? I invite you to request a complementary call with me here.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.