How to use your mind to attract money and abundance

Did you know that the big secret about how much money you attract and keep boils down to what you believe and how you think about money?

Chances are, the relationship you have with money may be repelling it away from you, even if you say you want more.

I’m sure you’ve heard about the law of attraction, which says that everything is energy and that that energy vibrates at different frequencies.  We attract things that vibrate on the same frequency as ourselves. Like attracts like. But the law of attraction is just one of many laws that govern the Universe.

Did you notice I said laws? Yes, that’s right. These laws work just as precisely as the law of gravity. They work the same way every time and they work all the time. So in order to create a different reality in your life around money, you can use the laws to your advantage. When you understand how this works, you can create the same money “miracles” over and over again. Except it’s not really miracles, it’s just that you know how to use the laws to your advantage. But I like the word miracle, so let’s just say it is, because it feels miraculous when you can pull money out of the sky 🙂

I’m not going to get into all those laws today, but I wanted to mention it so you understand that I’m not just pulling this stuff out of my butt, but there are Universal laws and principles that govern how this works. It’s like spiritual science. Once you change how you think, believe and act around money, money will show up differently for you.

It’s just as easy to be swimming in money as it is to be lacking it. The difference is how you use your mind. You can use it to repel money or to attract money. Let’s take a look at ways you may be repelling it and how you can change it to create the reality you want for yourself.

The sad part is that most of the world is not aware of how this works, so most people give advice that is not based on spiritual truths. You may have heard that you need to work hard for money, that you need to save it for a rainy day, that there’s not enough. The list could go on. Most people in the world have very disempowered beliefs about money, because they don’t understand this spiritual truth. 

The truth is there is plenty of money. There is an unlimited supply of money and more is printed every day. If money isn’t showing up the way you want it in your life, it’s likely because you’re somehow repelling it without being aware that you’re doing it. You’ve likely heard people tell you well-meaning things about how to manage your money, but most don’t understand how this works from a place of higher truth, so don’t beat yourself up. It’s not your fault, you’ve been programmed to believe what you believe. In fact, you may have been programmed to struggle with money.

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Here are some common ways people repel money and what you can do instead to start attracting more with ease:

Saying there’s not enough or that you cannot afford

Did you know that the simple act of saying or thinking this creates more “not enough”? This is a very dangerous sentence if you would like to live in abundance. The Universe hears any thought you have, and match it. So if you say there’s not enough, guess what, that’s what you’re going to experience. The Universe will literally make sure that’s what shows up for you, as you decided to believe that.

So what do you do instead? Well, listen up. There is always more than enough when you believe that it is. How can you change the saying that there is not enough to something like: I know there’s more, where is it? Now you’re being productive, because your mind will start looking for where it is, expecting to find it, and voila, it will show up when you believe it will show up.

Remove the sentence “I cannot afford” with “how can I make this happen?”. Now you’re being productive.

Imagining you not having enough money in the future

This is similar to the statement above, but now you’re projecting more lack into your future, pretty much guaranteeing that you won’t have enough. You may be obsessing over how you’re going to pay your bills and worry. Worry attracts more reasons to worry and whatever you imagine in your mind is the future you create.

What should you do instead? Trust that there will always be enough. Imagine your bank accounts growing and all needs and wants being met.

Instead of imagining what you don’t want, start imagining or visualizing what you do want. It will create a blueprint for the future you want, and as you visualize you literally create that reality in spirit.

Hold on tight to your money or look for bargains

Did you know that the mere act of looking for deals, bargains or clipping coupons sends a huge signal to the Universe that you believe there’s not enough? Guess what happens next? The Universe will prove to you there isn’t enough, because that’s what you believe and this is what the Universe will mirror back to you. If you believed there was an abundance of money, there would be no need to bargain or look for deals.

What to do instead? Happily pay for whatever things cost, knowing that there’s always more money and that any attempt to “save” or get a “deal” simply is attracting more lack consciousness within you, and as a result repelling money from coming to you.

Looking for what you can get, rather than what you can give

The Universe will give back in proportion to what you give. When you give from an open heart, you will receive back tenfold. This is spiritual law at works. The more you give, the more you get.

However, if you give in an attempt to get, this will not work, and may even backfire at you. Again, you can’t bargain with the Universe!

What can you give more of? Time, money, service, smiles? There are so many ways to give. What comes out from you must come back to you. Give freely.

Not spending money on things you really want

If you do this, ask yourself why. Why wouldn’t you get what you want? Even though often there is lack of self-worth and not feeling deserving underneath this, it’s also lack. If you believed there would always be enough money and that you had an infinite supply, would you buy it or do it?

The truth is, the supply is infinite, and once you learn to use the spiritual laws to your advantage, you will see that lack is just a reflection of a mind that believes in lack. The Universe is abundant and there is always more. And when you believe there is always more, more will always show up for you. (Remember, this is governed by law.)

What is it you want to do that you’re not doing because you think you need to “save the money for a rainy day”? Guess what, if you save for a rainy day, the rainy day will come and you’ll have to spend money on that rainy day. But what if you could spend it on what you truly wanted instead?

Believing that money is evil or that it’s bad to have a lot of money

What you believe about money will dictate whether or not you receive more of it. If you think that money is evil, then you can pretty much guarantee that you’re going to be repelling it. Money itself is not evil.

Can people do bad things with money, sure! But they can also do great things with money. Money is just an energy of exchange. If it gets in the wrong hands, yes, people can do evil things with money. But in the hands of a compassionate person money is likely to do a whole lot more good to people. Money is just money but what Hitler did with it it is very different from what Oprah is doing with hers! Money simply amplifies the person who has it, it’s neither evil nor good. It’s neutral.

Redefining what money is can help you change your belief about money. Money is a necessary tool in the society we live in. You can choose to reject that, but just know that it will likely keep you poor and struggling. Or you can choose to embrace that, and embrace money, and have more of it show up for you. It’s your choice!

Looking outside of yourself for the supply

The supply is not outside of you. You ARE the supply. Hang on with me here for a moment. This truly is the real key. You are like a mini version of God/Universe/Source and you have divinity within you. You are not separate from the world, you are part of the world. Whatever you decide will be your truth will be your truth. The outside supply will just match with your frequency or energy and with whatever you decide you are going to have.

This is why spending time in silence and tuning into what you want is very helpful. This is where you and the higher part of you need to agree and decide that, yes, truly, I always have what I need and want. As you are 100% clear on that within, it will be so in your reality.

Not realizing that you control the faucet for how much money pours into your life

Your life and your experiences happen from you. Whatever you see in the outside world is a reflection of your past beliefs, thoughts and actions around money. If you want a different reality, you need to believe more in the vision of what you want than in anything you see in the outside world. The outside world is an effect, you are the cause. When you realize that by changing who you are being (the cause) around money, the effect will change, and you hold the key to your own destiny.

Thinking you need to know or understand how money is supposed to show up in your world

Sorry buddy. You may think this is your job, but it’s not. This is the job of the Universe. The how is always up to the Universe. You decide what you want and focus on that, the Universe will show you how. Stop obsessing about where the money is going to come from and start trusting that it will instead. I promise, it will change your life.

Obsessing over money instead of realizing that money is the cause of service and energetic exchange 

Focusing on money itself is not productive. Why do you want the money? What will money do for you? How will it help you live your life, your purpose or serve others? And most importantly, how will it make you feel? Tuning into that feeling NOW will help you manifest it.

Not trusting that there will always be enough

This is a big one and I will admit that before learning the lesson about how this works, I used to think it was too good to be true when people told me how it works. But it’s not too good to be true. The truth will always set you free, and yes, you can have unlimited abundance in your life. But you have to be willing to do the inner work and challenge your limiting beliefs first. That takes courage because you need to act as if there is enough, even when you can’t see where the supply is going to come from. However, when you do that confidently, you will realize there is another reality. A reality of unlimited abundance!

Once you truly understand how to use your mind to attract money and abundance, you will know that you can always manifest the money you want when you want it. You don’t have to worry about money and you can spend it freely knowing that the supply will always fill back up. You won’t need to hoard money, because you know deep in your soul, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE ENOUGH!

You can rest assured that you will always be generously supplied.

Imagine not having to ever check your bank account before making a decision, knowing that you can do whatever you want, and that the money you need will always show up for you. That, to me, is real freedom.

P.S. – If you’d like some help to step into living your purpose, serving the world and create an abundant and free lifestyle, I invite you to request a call with me using this link. 

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.