Intuition, spiritual discernment and how to decipher the higher truth

I’ve had many lessons in the last several years helping me to learn discernment. Being an empath who tends to see all the good in people, sometimes it’s important to learn that not all that glitters is gold, and to come to a place of spiritual discernment and understanding that evil does exist. In fact, from my experience, the most evil is often wrapped in a package that looks like glitter and gold. 

Not being able to discern good from evil, dark from light can really throw you for a loop – and more than that, it can really take you down a slippery and dangerous slope.

There were many situations brought to my attention that allowed me to study this on a deeper level. The biggest lesson I learned was that no matter what my logical mind says, if I get a bad vibe or intuitive flash to stay away from something or someone, to listen to that, no matter how illogical or inconvenient it may seem in the moment. My intuition never lies…

We live in a world of polarity: Light and dark, good and evil and we have an internal guidance system that is supposed to help us discern the difference. The only problem is that most people in the Western World were taught early on in their life not to listen to their intuition, but to be “smart” and use their logical brains only to make decisions.

Tuning out your intuitive nudges can be dangerous. 

During my recent trip to Indonesia (Bali and Lombok) we experienced an interplay of dark and light, good and evil. I sensed dark forces trying to sabotage my progress as I was stepping deeper into my purpose, while at the same time we were manifesting some amazing and magical miracles and synchronicities as well.

Dark presenting as Light

One night while in Bali I met with a previous client I hadn’t seen in a few years. She suggested a place for us to meet for dinner. She has great taste and I figured she would find the right place and never looked into the place we were going before showing up.

As we entered the restaurant, at first I got a weird feeling. My friend had already arrived and as I told hostess that my friend was in the restaurant and about to enter, I felt a strange energy from her. I couldn’t describe it, but it felt like she didn’t trust me and didn’t want me to enter. 

Then they proceeded to check my bags before entering. (We were only going to eat dinner, and I thought how sad that we live in a world where they need to check my bag before entering a restaurant!)

We walked through some curtains to enter into the space and saw a beautifully decorated, tastefully designed restaurant/lounge overlooking the water and sunset. We met our friends and sat down for dinner. The food was delicious, music was playing and the sunset was spectacular.

During dinner, one of the other people I was with went to the bathroom at the same time as me. She is a branding coach and has a lot of insights into symbolism. She pointed to a picture on the wall and said: Do you know what this represents? I said I didn’t know…

Obviously it had caught her attention and she didn’t like it.

She said she got bad vibes the moment she walked into the place, after seeing the logo, which she explained was an evil symbol.

Then, she showed me, on the door inside the bathroom there was a poster with the words: “Come as an angel, leave as a devil,” referring to the restaurant we were in…. 

OMG! Really?

I have to admit I was caught totally off guard and I wasn’t sure how to absorb this information in that very moment. This place seemed like such a wonderful and beautiful place, filled with what seemed like very normal people enjoying a beautiful sunset…but THIS? 

Was the branding of this place just a bad joke from people trying to be cool and who didn’t know any better? Or was it intentional? Everything was very well put together and nothing seemed random in this place, from the design, the colors, all the symbols…

Certainly my wonderful client had no idea about this when she recommended the place…

As I left the place together with the branding coach, we were trying to figure out the branding of the place. As we walked out, they had several pictures on the wall that we studied curiously to get a better understanding. 

Then we found a picture of Lucifer on the wall!

The entire brand had evil and darkness camouflaged within it via symbols that only those who knew the symbols would understand or those who looked closely would even notice. A trained eye would be able to decipher the evil symbols used throughout this “apparent” beautiful and trendy place. 

When I checked out their instagram profile, which by the way also looked very appealing at first sight, it said: “A lot more than a restaurant…” With the three dots included. What exactly did they mean by that?

Yeah…this was evil disguised in beauty and sunset! 

Trust your intuition

If you get a bad vibe, there is a reason. A part of me picked up that vibe as I entered and first spoke to the hostess. However, I didn’t understand exactly what that vibe was trying to tell me. It was very subtle. (Her intuition must have picked up that I am a lightworker. She probably didn’t want me in there!)

There is so much spiritual information out there today, on the Internet, social media – everywhere. There are teachers of all walks of life. And while most of them have good intentions, it’s important to practice discernment with regards to who and what you are tuning into.

A while back I was listening to an online training. As I was listening, I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I didn’t like the vibe, but the topic they were talking about really fascinated me – they were talking about reprogramming your DNA –  so I kept listening a bit longer. Then eventually I knew I had to stop. It wasn’t logical at all, just something inside of me felt that this wasn’t good for me. No logical reason at all there was just something about the vibe that threw me off and made it uncomfortable to listen.

Sometimes “darkworkers” come disguised as lightworkers. This was one of those situations. Fortunately, I knew to stop before I got too deep into the training. 

It’s not too much talked about but you can pick up bad energies from tuning into and listening to information that is not created with good intentions in mind. This happened to me. After I had had this experience I needed to do energy work to clear my energy. I had felt drained, sick even but and after doing the energy work and removing the energies, I was fine again. It was almost like I had picked up an infection or illness in my body as a result of listening to this online. Sounds kind of crazy if you’ve never experienced it, I know!  

Being an empath I am a sponge and I pick up other people’s energy very easily if I’m not careful. The good thing is, I know how to clear it and was aware enough to realize what happened and what to do about it quickly.

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Deciphering the Higher Truth

Also during my recent visit to Indonesia I was creating some content for a project I’m in the process of developing. It’s a deep soul project and as I was recording hours upon hours of video content. While I was recording a video, something peculiar happened. I had just shared information on a topic similar to this; talking about spiritual discernment, light and dark. When I was done my videographer noticed that the camera had shut off in the middle of the video. It was a pretty long video, about an hour or so, but it stopped recording right as I started talking about how people can protect themselves from getting involved with people, places, information and trainings that are of a dark nature, but camouflaged as light. 

There was no obvious reason why the camera would suddenly shut off. It was a professional camera, and normally there would be a click if it shut off, but there was no sign or sound. It just had shut itself off without any real rhyme or reason. 

When I listened to exactly where in the recording it stopped, I knew exactly what happened.

Of course this was not a coincidence. There are forces in the Universe that don’t want certain things to be commonly known, as that would help interfere with the “dark work” and expose it for what it is.

There are forces in the Universe that don’t want certain things to be commonly known, as that would help interfere with the “dark work” and expose it for what it is.

The darkest people and places are often not obvious to the naked eye. If they were, people would stay away and not get lured in. They wouldn’t get away with it. The most evil people are often disguised as super “nice”. I’ve encountered people who could talk about deep spiritual subjects and appear to be on a path of goodness and kindness but who are some of the most evil people I have encountered. Learning to see the truth is an important lesson in life and on your spiritual path.

Learning to navigate the world by vibes rather than logic has been a journey for me, after having learned as a child (indirectly) that my emotions were not important. I started to tune out them out and suppress them. But your emotions are your guiding system. 

Learning to speak the language of energy is probably the most important language on the planet, yet a lot of the Western world often dismiss it as illogical and tune it out.

When was the last time you told yourself: I knew it! If I only listened to my intuition, I wouldn’t be in this mess! Yeah, I’ve been there too! Let’s not do that again 🙂

Intuition can save lives.

Another client of mine saved herself and her entire crew as she was leading a crew to climb Mount Everest. (Yes, she’s a pretty bad ass woman who has climbed the 7 Summits of the world!) 

As they were climbing the summit she got a strong feeling they had to turn back. Of course, having trained for this trip for a very long time and paid a huge fee to climb, as well as having this big goal of making it to the top, this was kind of inconvenient to say the least! Nevertheless, she listened to her intuitive nudge and turned around and they got back to safety just in time before the earthquake that happened a few years ago. 

Had she not listened and turned around, she may not have been alive today. 

Your intuition is your inner guiding system. It knows what your logical brain has no way of knowing. Your logical mind and ego tends to think it knows best, which can be dangerous. 

Your intuition is your inner guidance system. It knows what your logical brain has no way of knowing.

Your intuition is connected to infinite knowledge and can pick up signals your brain would not understand or pick up. Imagine a big circle, with a dot inside of it. That dot represents your current knowledge that your brain holds, while the entire circle represents the infinite knowledge. It’s like your brain can only see a miniature screen of the Universe and everything else is outside of it’s view. But your intuition can tune into the entire circle, infinite knowledge. It knows what’s up and it guides you accordingly.

Your intuition often won’t make any sense at all in the moment. Just like when I entered the restaurant. It didn’t make any sense in the moment but I realized afterwards what it was trying to tell me. It was a warning sign. 

Your intuition may tell you to do things that are inconvenient, may seem ridiculous or maybe even silly or irresponsible. But if you listen, you will likely find out later why you were guided to do something. Your intuition can be your best friend if you start to honor it and it will never guide you to anything that isn’t for your highest good. 

Check out these articles as well to learn more about how your intuition guides you and the magic that happens when you listen!

Divine Guidance: How the Universe is showing you the way

God is speaking, are you listening?

Why defying logic is the fastest way to your dreams

Use your Spiritual Discernment

Without accessing your intuition you’re not using the guidance system you were provided with for direction, support and protection as a human being. Failure to honor your spiritual discernment will likely keep getting you into trouble and painful situations. You’ll keep going into rabbit holes that you can’t seem to get yourself out of when in truth, you probably have the answer and solution if you would only truly listen and trust your intuition.

If something gives you a bad vibe, it’s for a reason.

Are you honoring your intuition on a daily basis? Do you follow the nudges it gives you, or do you resist following it’s direction saying it’s not practical? 

Your intuition will start out as a gentle nudge, and if you don’t listen, the signs will likely get stronger over time. For example; you’re in a job you know is not right for you, but you refuse to leave it, even though your intuition has told you for a while what you should be doing instead.  Maybe you’re stuck in fear and indecision. Then, you end up losing your job and the Universe made the call for you that you should no longer be in this job. 

I have found that when you’re out of sync with your intuition, life doesn’t work. The moment you start listening, things start to line up for you and magic and miracles start to appear.

Want to start living and running your business from a place of higher truth? Ready to start following your intuitive nudges, while creating your wildest dreams? Get started by getting a free copy of my Success-soul® Living Starter Kit. 


  1. Sherry Moon on September 20, 2019 at 7:39 am

    Thanks for your articles and blogposts. I get so much out of them!

    • Vibeke on September 23, 2019 at 1:42 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoy my posts and get a lot out of them 🙂 Keep coming back!

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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  1. Sherry Moon on September 20, 2019 at 7:39 am

    Thanks for your articles and blogposts. I get so much out of them!

    • Vibeke on September 23, 2019 at 1:42 pm

      I’m so glad you enjoy my posts and get a lot out of them 🙂 Keep coming back!

Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.