Managing your subtle energies: The secret to manifesting your dreams

Growing up in the Western world most people don’t learn about the importance of  subtle energies. Your subtle energy field is the energy around your body, also called your aura. It contains your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies and while it cannot be seen by most people but is visible via Kirlian photography.

Your subtle energies have a large impact on what you manifest into your life in terms of health and vitality as well as every other part of your life.

Essentially your energy field will dictate what you get in life.

You exist on many levels at once, but you can only consciously see and feel your physical body, even though this is just a small part of who you are.

The energetic side of your body is the body that is responsible for attracting or repelling things to and from you. Think of it like a magnet that attracts things that are like itself to it.

If your magnet contains the formula for good things, good things will be drawn to you. If your magnet, or energy field contains a lot of dark or negative energies, it will attract more of the same into your life.

This happens 24/7 without your conscious awareness. So if your subtle energies or let’s just call it aura for simplicity sake, is weak or dirty, you will have trouble manifesting the things you want, no matter how hard you try and no matter how much action you take, because your energy is not a match to what you are trying to accomplish.

So, just like you are taking vitamins, exercising and eating healthy foods to stay healthy in your physical body, there are things you can do – and not do – in order to make sure your subtle energies stay healthy, so that you can start to manifest the things you want with a lot more ease and become a magnet for the things you want.

Because we are not used to thinking in these terms in the Western world, some of these ideas may be foreign to you or even seem strange, extreme or out there, but I can assure you that there is a lot of power in making sure your energy stays in good shape.

When your subtle energies are aligned with what you want, they will work for you.  You will start to draw health, opportunities, people, money, clients or anything you want into your life with a lot more ease. This will allow you to work less while having more impact and attracting great clients into your business. It will help you become healthy, strong, powerful and empowered.

It’s not so much about what you’re doing to get results, but about who you are being while doing, and the being part includes your energy field or energetic immune system.

Have you ever met a person who has such strong presence that everyone in the room stops talking and pays attention if they walk into the room? This is because this person has a strong and bright aura. They are seen and heard. They are respected. They have personal power and they don’t have to try it or force it or fake it because their energy is doing the work for them. When your energy works, you work!

People can feel your energy no matter how far away they are. They could be on the other side of the world and they still can subconsciously feel your presence and energy, even though they may not be aware of it.

When it comes to manifesting, managing your subtle energies is crucial in order to be an energetic match to what you want to manifest. I would go as far as saying it is the magic key that opens the door to anything you want. When you tend to your energy, you will start to see that things you previously were struggling with suddenly takes care of themselves, often without any conscious action on your part even.

If you have been wanting to change, heal or transform certain aspects of your life or business and feel like no matter what you’re doing the problem doesn’t seem to go away, you may also want to read this article I wrote about: Why You Fail to Manifest What You Want.

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In this article I am focusing particularly on things that impact your subtle energy field or aura, which serves as your energetic immune system, making sure that your energy is protected from intruding energies and helping you become a powerful manifestor of anything you want to create in your life.

Here are several things you can do – and not do – to manage your subtle energies and ensure a healthy, vital energetic body and to become a powerful manifestor:

Energy healing work

I start with this, because if you haven’t had any real energy work done before, or if it’s been some time since you last did it, now may just be the time. There are many forms of energy healing work. I do many kinds of energy healing which all work in different ways and can help balance and reprogram different parts of your energy field and subconscious mind.

The reason I recommend this first is because most people are blind to their own energy field. You are too close to yourself usually to really have a clear understanding of what’s going on. Having someone who is trained in reading your energy field, chakras and aura and who can help you heal any imbalances and remove energy blocks and intrusions that don’t belong there is an essential first place to start.

The reason I would start here is this: You cannot heal what you don’t know is going on. This is kind of like getting a physical for your energy field. Just like you go to the doctor every so often to make sure everything is working the way it should, we truly should all do the same for our energy field, as it is the key to a life that works well. Not only that, but because you are working on your energy field, you are going to the source of any problem because anything that is created is created from energy.

Just like you take your car in for a check up, please, do take yourself in for an energy tune up as well!

After seeing an energy healer you might realize that something is going on with a particular chakra, they may see energy cords going into your chakra system that is draining your energy, they could find negative energy blocks, entities and a whole range of things that could affect your energy field negatively. Maybe there are tears or holes in your aura that is causing a lot of difficulties for you. Whatever they may or may not find, the energy healer can then help you remove the things that are not serving you, and help you balance and heal your overall energy system.

Even though this work may seem very intangible if you haven’t done it before, you are likely going to feel the difference after the work has been done. In my mind, energy healing is the most important work you can do if you want to have a vibrant life, health, finances, relationships and if you just want life to work. Not only that, but removing the blocks to manifesting that are in your energy field will allow you to become a manifesting superstar!

One comment here that I feel is essential. Choose your energy healer with care. Your energy is precious and you want to make sure the person you are dealing with has done their own work. Energy can easily transfer from one person to another, and you don’t want an energy healer who is going to add to the problem! I say this with deep respect for all the healers out there! If energy is channeled through a person, even though they are trained to keep the energy they give to you clean, it is unfortunately not always the case. This is why a lot of the energy work I do handles energy straight from source and not through my body. This ensures that only the highest and purest energy is used in the healing.

Activities you can do that also work on your energy field

There are many physical types of exercises that particularly help you to balance your energy field, such as yoga and tai chi. Yoga particularly tends to focus on balancing the part of your energy system called chakras. There is also yoga that targets your meridian system, the system used in Ancient Chinese Medicine. Yin yoga is an example of that, and and it’s something I’m also trained in. These are great activities to do for yourself on a regular basis. Because your energy field changes moment to moment, having a routine is the best way to ensure your energy stays consistently in a good place.

Clean your energy

Just like you take a shower to cleanse your physical body, you also want to clean your energetic body. Each day, as you spend time around different people, your energy field will pick up parts of energy from other people. Some good and some bad, and probably a lot you have no idea about. If you are sensitive, you might pick up on other people’s feelings. For example, for a long time I have literally dreaded going to the grocery store. Every time I came back from the store I just didn’t feel right. I picked up a lot of the energy from the people at the store and as a result I would come back feeling drained. After realizing what was going on I started finding ways to protect my energy before walking into the store, which has helped.

Important note: Your energy body is much larger than your physical body, so just being in the presence of other people without actually touching can cause you to pick up on their energy, thoughts, feelings and beliefs because your energy fields touch. If it’s good energy that serves you, that’s not an issue, but if it’s heavy energy, it’s not going to do you much good.

This is likely where the saying: You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, comes from.

Taking a shower at the end of the day is a great way to cleanse your energy. You may want to imagine your energy field being cleansed by the water pouring over you. Taking an epsom salt bath or regular salt bath is also great, as salt is very cleansing.

Using sage to smudge your living space and your aura is also very powerful. I always keep some sage close by and any time I feel like I need it I smudge myself, my office or my living space. You might be interested to know that it’s been proven scientifically that smudge can remove over 90% of airborne bacterias and is great for your health too. You can buy sage sticks at Amazon or in a metaphysical bookstore.

Being mindful of  what affects your energy and energy exchanges

Your energy is precious and making sure that it’s nurtured and kept clean, even when you are in environments where there may be more dense, heavy energy that isn’t beneficial for you, is key to manage your energy.

The first thing to mention is that any experience, person or place that doesn’t feel good to you are good to avoid as much as you can. This is your emotions telling you something, even if you don’t understand why. If being around a certain person or place drain you, pay attention and honor your feelings.

How you feel and think affects your energy field, so making sure you live a life that feels good and is in alignment with who you truly are is important to keep your energetic immune system strong. Positive thoughts and emotions will strengthen your energy while negative thoughts and emotions will drain you.

Emotionally draining people and emotionally abusive relationships can wreak havoc on a person’s energy field, opening up for all kinds of problems down the line, if they are not healed in the energy field. To learn more about these types of relationships and to find out if you are dealing with one, you can read this article.

It’s one thing to be around other people but it is something entirely different to be intimate with someone. When you are intimate with someone, especially during sex, all kinds of energy transfers happen. The statement from the Bible that says that: During marriage two souls become one,  is not an accident. A condom will not protect you from an energy transfer during sex, so make sure you choose your sexual partners wisely as there is no such thing as protected sex. You will take on part of the other person’s energy. If this is energy you want, great, but if that person is not someone you admire and aspire to be like, I would stay away if I were you.

Too many sexual partners or partners of the wrong kind can literally destroy your energy field and open you up to a plethora of energetic issues. I know this is not much talked about, even in the Tantric circles. I think it is because it’s not popular to talk about. However, this is so important to understand if you want to live an empowered life. (At least when you know you can make conscious choices that serve you, but this is information most people are unaware of. What you do and how you live your life is up to you of course, but awareness is key and ignorance can be costly.)

Another thing to be aware of is electromagnetic radiation from electronics and wi-fi. This energy interferes with your aura and energy field. Some people are more sensitive to this than others and can feel it almost immediately while holding a cell phone. Others can’t feel it but the effect is still there. A good idea is to use protective crystals to help absorb some of the radiation. There are many good crystals to use, one of my favorite is black tourmaline, but I also use a pyrite bracelet which does not only protect against EMF but also helps to circulate energy through both the chakras and meridian systems and balance the chakras! To me it’s a miracle crystal that takes care of a lot of things at once. Other crystals that are recommended are hematite and magnetite. You can buy crystals in any metaphysical store or if there is no store close to you, try Amazon.

I also use these stickers on my electronic devices to neutralize the effect of EMF.

A good practice is to not sleep with your cell phone next to your bed. (I know a lot of people use their cell phone as their alarm clock) If you must have your cell phone close by, I recommend turning it to airplane mode and putting it as far away from your body and aura as possible while you sleep.

Get fresh air and exercise. When you are out in nature, ask the nature angels to cleanse your energy and and they will assist you. Walking in nature also helps balance your chakras and circulate your energy.

Eat healthy clean foods. Food is energy and what you put into your body determines what kind of energy you get. Listen to your intuition as everyone’s body is different. I don’t believe there is one specific diet that works for everyone, as we’re all put together a little differently. However, reducing sugars and processed foods goes a long way to helping you have a clear focused mind and energy field.

A regular meditation practice is also great for your energy field and to build up the magnetic field of your aura.

Reduce chronic stress and get enough sleep. I know so basic, but so important!

Reduce the amount of pharmaceutical drugs you use as well as caffeine and alcohol, as these can create tears or holes in the aura if used over a longer period of time. Holes in the aura is not something you want! It’s like a hole in your spiritual immune system, allowing things you don’t want to come into your energy field.

Surgery, shock and trauma can also cause problems in your energetic field. I’ve spoken to many who tell me after they had an accident or surgery, their life never really got back to normal. If you feel this could be affecting you in some way, the best thing to do is to work with an energy healer to help reverse the impact on your energy field.

This information is provided to empower you, not for you to walk around in fear of what could or couldn’t happen to you. After all, fear will attract more reasons to be fearful. The key is awareness and know you can make choices that serve you and your energy field.  If you have an overall healthy lifestyle, that will go a long way to help protect and nurture your energy. And if your previous lifestyle has caused you to be concerned after reading this article, know that there is always a solution and anything can be healed and reversed, often very quickly, when you are dealing with energy – and the results can be hugely transformational in a short amount of time.

I suggest you go over the list and make a short inventory about what might be one or two things you could start to implement right away, and don’t let this list overwhelm you, but rather inspire you to make the changes you feel are wanted and needed over time.

Want to get started right away? I invite you to get a free copy of my Success-soul® Living Starter Kit. In it you will find powerful tools to assist you in changing your energy, healing energetic blocks and manifest your dreams.


  1. Dan on April 21, 2018 at 12:02 pm


    Thank you for this post- energy has interested me for a long time. I sometimes wonder if there are things blocking me from further success than what I have achieved. I find myself quoting that same mantra, that we are the “average of the 5 people we spend the most time with…” To me, that is an important key that people overlook. The people you spend time with influence who you are- considering your view that energy is part of this interaction, it makes even more sense. Once again, thanks for the enlightening post!

    • Vibeke on April 23, 2018 at 8:03 pm

      You’re welcome! Glad it resonated with you. Most people don’t realize how our energies interact, and it can cause them to be stuck in situations they don’t want to be in even when they try to change that situation. You say you wonder if there are things blocking you from further success…there alway is, for all of us. We have unlimited potential and so there’s always more we can be, do and have and doing the inner work is the way to get there. Sounds like you already know this and are doing it 🙂

  2. Danielle on May 1, 2018 at 2:34 am

    Hi Vibeke,
    You mentioned bracelets. I recently purchased a hematite bracelet, but the few times I put it on I felt worse instead of better. I even tried cleansing it for a few days in the sun. I was also feeling it maybe had some bad mojo vibes associated with so I ended up returning it.

    Have you ever heard of hematite decreasing your health instead of increasing it?

    • Vibeke on May 1, 2018 at 9:31 pm

      Hi Danielle,
      I am wondering if you are experiencing purging symptoms from wearing the hematite? As it is a very healing crystal, it will bring anything that needs healing to the surface, which can bring up symptoms that are not pleasant at first. This is just my gut reaction. I am not a crystal expert per say. There seems to be some people who react negatively to hematite. Maybe it’s not the best stone for you. Trust your intuition on this 🙂

      • Danielle on May 4, 2018 at 12:15 am

        Thank you. I appreciate your reply. That’s great advice.

  3. Danielle on May 1, 2018 at 3:01 am

    What practices do you do to protect yourself before going to the store? I’m sensitive to other people’s energies and even find things like social media to be very draining… sometimes simply watching tv is too much of a connection to other people and the outside world for me. I’m not really an introvert, but I do require A LOT of alone time to feel grounded and connected to my spiritual self. Thanks for your input!

    • Vibeke on May 1, 2018 at 9:47 pm

      Hi Danielle,
      I have several different techniques I use…and sometimes I switch them up. There are different opinions about how to “shield” yourself from other people’s energies. First of all, you want to make sure you don’t have holes or tears in your aura, or other things that could contribute to you taking on a lot of other people’s energies. Before going to the store you can ground yourself. Imagine roots going deep into the earth from your legs and imagine that you are protected by Mother Earth. Set the intention that any energies you pick up that are not yours and not beneficial to you will be absorbed through your body, down your roots and transmuted by Mother Earth. So you kind of flush it through you and out. Some people teach to put yourself in an energy bubble. However, if you’re in a bubble per say, you could block people from seeing you energetically. I always set the intention that only energies that are beneficial for me can come through the bubble, and that any negative energies stay outside of it. For extra protection, (more for psychic attack) I add mirrors outside of the bubble, reflecting any negativity or lower vibrational energies back to it’s original source or I ask for it to be transmuted by source. However, know that putting this kind of “protection” around you can in a sense block you off from the rest of the world, so I would only use this last resort it in extreme circumstances when you feel you need extra protection.

      • Danielle on May 4, 2018 at 12:12 am

        Thank you, those are very helpful suggestions.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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  1. Dan on April 21, 2018 at 12:02 pm


    Thank you for this post- energy has interested me for a long time. I sometimes wonder if there are things blocking me from further success than what I have achieved. I find myself quoting that same mantra, that we are the “average of the 5 people we spend the most time with…” To me, that is an important key that people overlook. The people you spend time with influence who you are- considering your view that energy is part of this interaction, it makes even more sense. Once again, thanks for the enlightening post!

    • Vibeke on April 23, 2018 at 8:03 pm

      You’re welcome! Glad it resonated with you. Most people don’t realize how our energies interact, and it can cause them to be stuck in situations they don’t want to be in even when they try to change that situation. You say you wonder if there are things blocking you from further success…there alway is, for all of us. We have unlimited potential and so there’s always more we can be, do and have and doing the inner work is the way to get there. Sounds like you already know this and are doing it 🙂

  2. Danielle on May 1, 2018 at 2:34 am

    Hi Vibeke,
    You mentioned bracelets. I recently purchased a hematite bracelet, but the few times I put it on I felt worse instead of better. I even tried cleansing it for a few days in the sun. I was also feeling it maybe had some bad mojo vibes associated with so I ended up returning it.

    Have you ever heard of hematite decreasing your health instead of increasing it?

    • Vibeke on May 1, 2018 at 9:31 pm

      Hi Danielle,
      I am wondering if you are experiencing purging symptoms from wearing the hematite? As it is a very healing crystal, it will bring anything that needs healing to the surface, which can bring up symptoms that are not pleasant at first. This is just my gut reaction. I am not a crystal expert per say. There seems to be some people who react negatively to hematite. Maybe it’s not the best stone for you. Trust your intuition on this 🙂

      • Danielle on May 4, 2018 at 12:15 am

        Thank you. I appreciate your reply. That’s great advice.

  3. Danielle on May 1, 2018 at 3:01 am

    What practices do you do to protect yourself before going to the store? I’m sensitive to other people’s energies and even find things like social media to be very draining… sometimes simply watching tv is too much of a connection to other people and the outside world for me. I’m not really an introvert, but I do require A LOT of alone time to feel grounded and connected to my spiritual self. Thanks for your input!

    • Vibeke on May 1, 2018 at 9:47 pm

      Hi Danielle,
      I have several different techniques I use…and sometimes I switch them up. There are different opinions about how to “shield” yourself from other people’s energies. First of all, you want to make sure you don’t have holes or tears in your aura, or other things that could contribute to you taking on a lot of other people’s energies. Before going to the store you can ground yourself. Imagine roots going deep into the earth from your legs and imagine that you are protected by Mother Earth. Set the intention that any energies you pick up that are not yours and not beneficial to you will be absorbed through your body, down your roots and transmuted by Mother Earth. So you kind of flush it through you and out. Some people teach to put yourself in an energy bubble. However, if you’re in a bubble per say, you could block people from seeing you energetically. I always set the intention that only energies that are beneficial for me can come through the bubble, and that any negative energies stay outside of it. For extra protection, (more for psychic attack) I add mirrors outside of the bubble, reflecting any negativity or lower vibrational energies back to it’s original source or I ask for it to be transmuted by source. However, know that putting this kind of “protection” around you can in a sense block you off from the rest of the world, so I would only use this last resort it in extreme circumstances when you feel you need extra protection.

      • Danielle on May 4, 2018 at 12:12 am

        Thank you, those are very helpful suggestions.

Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.