How did I manifest this? And other questions about the Law of Attraction

Every now and then I hear people say: The Law of Attraction doesn’t work for me.

What they are really saying is; I don’t have compete awareness about how I create my own reality. And I’ve tried what I’ve learned and it doesn’t work for me.

Most of the teachings on the Law of Attraction are very simplistic and don’t really account for all the ways we create our own reality.

You create your world based on your own consciousness. But how exactly do you create this reality? And why would you possibly have chosen to create this (X,Y,Z which you don’t like)?

A lot of people seem to teach the law of attraction from a place of the ego. It’s all about using it to acquire riches such as money, status, fancy cars and so on.

And there’s nothing wrong with creating a more abundant life for yourself. The world is abundant and learning the truth about abundance is an important part of personal growth.

However, if you try to manifest from a place of the ego only, you’re truly not tapping into the most powerful part of you, because the ego, even though it likes to think it’s powerful, is really very limited.

I’ll explain more about how this is as I go through this article.

But, first of all, to clarify, the “Law of Attraction” (or Law of Vibration) states that like attracts like. On an energetic level, like energies attract like energies.

But this Law of Attraction is just one of MANY Laws of the Universe that explain how our reality works.

Failure to understand other laws will give you a limited understanding of how you create your own reality. It’s sort of like driving your car with an engine that’s missing certain parts. Your car isn’t going to run very smoothly.

Now, I’m not going to imply that I am an expert on ALL the laws of the Universe. There are many, and people often learn these and fine tune their understanding over many lifetimes.

But some of these laws are more basic and important to grasp in order to truly understand how reality works. I go into this in much more depth my 5D Business Model Program. To learn more about this program, I invite you to my free 5D Mini series.

Another piece that often is overlooked by many who teach the simplified version of the Law of Attraction, is the understanding of the human energy body.

The energy body is sort of like the blueprint to your life. Whatever is in that blueprint will become manifest.

You can state affirmation after affirmation about what you want to create, but if there are blocks in your energy bodies that basically have the opposite energy of what you’re saying you want, you will not create what you want to manifest.

It’s only when you become a vibrational match (your energy field is a match to want you want) that you will actually (and automatically without effort) experience the reality you intended to manifest.

Now, as I’m sharing this, I want to point out that what many are teaching is not necessarily wrong, it’s just coming from a limited level of understanding and/or a simplified version and there are often important pieces that are missing. (And I’m not implying that I have the complete truth either, I’m still a human being continuing to learn. But I’m sharing what I have learned through my experience.)

Sure, the mind is very powerful and you can “force” something to be created with your mind. But when you try to manifest from this place of the ego, you will likely not manifest what you really want. I’ll give an example a bit further down.

The key to powerful manifestations is to be fully connected to your heart and the higher chakras. Your heart is connected to the infinite part of you that is limitless.

When you are operating from your heart and higher chakras, you are in touch with your soul and higher self. This is key because it’s your soul and your higher self which connects you to all that is. For you are not separate from the world.

In other words, the ego mind gets in the way of manifesting what you want.

So, let’s clarify a few things about the Law of Attraction here.

1) You create your reality from your consciousness.

2) Your ego is your limited part of being.

3) Your soul and higher self is the God part of your being which connects you to your higher powers.

4) Manifesting from the ego is limited because you’re not tapping into the higher part of you.

5) Manifesting from the Divine part of your being makes you infinitely powerful.

But how do you get there?

Well, this is a long answer and I can’t go into ALL of the details here as this would turn into a book. (Maybe one I’ll write one day?)

My 5D Business Model gives you everything you need to understand to get there, as well as the tools to assist you in clearing the blocks to manifesting your true desires.

I want to give you an example of what manifesting with your ego mind could look like and why it often isn’t in your best interest to do so.

First, you came into this life with a set script of what you wanted to experience and learn. Because we have amnesia and don’t remember what we came here to do, the only way to truly know what we are supposed to do is to listen to our internal guidance. Listening to your heart will guide you in the right direction.

When you follow the inspiration of your heart, you will be led down the path of your purpose. This path may not always be easy, because you came here to learn lessons and until you learn those lessons, you may be going through challenges. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are on the wrong path, but that the challenges you are going through is leading you to the lesson (or lessons) you came here to learn.

In other words, there is a gift in the challenge.

The heart is your inner GPS, but often the ego thinks it knows better than the heart. This is just the illusion of the ego and the 3D world.

I’ve manifested from the ego with “force” and I’ve manifested from my higher self without any effort on my part.

Let me explain how they differ and what I created and you will see for yourself that manifesting from your higher self is a far superior way to create your reality.

First, let me share with you a story from several years ago. I had just gotten divorced and after a while I decided I wanted to try online dating. Truly, I was more bored than anything and was just looking for some excitement and I thought dating would be fun.

I don’t necessarily put myself in many places where I can meet guys, so I thought online dating must be a good way.

I was on an app (probably the wrong one) that someone had mentioned to me. I was coming from the wrong place altogether. The app was not in alignment and I was more coming from a place of wanting a date from boredom and impatience than anything else.

So this is what transpired. I had my mind set on meeting this one guy. I knew I could make it happen with my mind. And I forced it into being.

We went on a date and it was a complete DISASTER! I won’t go into details, but clearly everything about this manifestation was wrong; if nothing else maybe it showed me what happens when you manifest from your ego?

Besides, I also hadn’t healed some of the subconscious trauma within me relating to intimate relationships, and so finding a healthy person really wouldn’t happen, as I myself had wounds within me. The guy just showed up to show me these wounds and put them right in my face so I could see what I needed to heal.

What was wrong here?

1) I was coming from an unhealthy need; thinking I needed love and attention from the outside of me. The truth is, we need to find the love for ourselves first.

2) I didn’t listen to my intuition but came from a place of my ego wanting to “prove” I could get a date with this guy. Besides I came from a disempowered state of being bored and impatient.

3) I was forcing the manifestation with my mind rather than letting the right guy come to me at the right time. I was set that it had to be that particular guy and that particular day.

4) The guy wanted to meet me at a night club. I have outgrown going to night clubs years ago, but I figured I’d go anyways. Again, not in alignment.

5) The app was also clearly so out of alignment and not the right place for me to be to meet a someone I would resonate with.

Ok, so now that we know what happens when you manifest from the ego and try to “force” things to happen, let’s look at effortless manifestations, shall we?

There are so many, I could write an entire book but here are a few examples so you can get an idea of what it looks like:

Sitting down in meditation and asking for the perfect VIP day client to come into my life and do a destination VIP day with me. Then, going on with my life, doing yoga, living my life without worries or concerns and without obsessing about the manifestation, and the client showing up (literally out of nowhere) within less than 24 hours. All I had to do was respond to a message via my Instagram from a person I had never spoken to before.

I’ve done this on numerous occasions and most of the time the client shows up within 24 hours, or even faster.

Several years ago, I went on a trip to the Seychelles. I was going with a photographer to take photos for my business (and enjoy the beautiful island of Seychelles which had been on my bucket list for a while.) In fact, it was the photographer that mentioned Seychelles not being aware that it was on my vision board! Of course I was in!

We were looking for a place to stay in the Seychelles. My photographer found a really stunning villa on a private beach on a small island of Seychelles. When I saw that place I knew I had to stay there. I then looked at the price and gasped a little. Here I was, newly divorced single mom…the price? 6000 dollars per night!

I was like: Well, I know I’m going to stay there, so Universe, please show me the way!

Note: I didn’t say I can’t stay there.

That’s ALL I did on my part. I asked.

The next day, my photographer got back to me and said she had been in touch with the owners of the property and they had offered us a FREE stay in return of a drone footage of the property.

Wow! Didn’t see that one coming, but the Universe is very creative in finding ways to fulfill your desires.
Had I said, “I can’t spend that kind of money on a place, I need to find something else”, this manifestation would have been blocked off completely.

But I stayed open, knowing there was a way. And the way showed up without any effort on my part and within 24 hours.

I ended up taking another trip with the same photographer a few years later. This time we went to Bali and Lombok in Indonesia.

We had booked our flights separately and without coordinating, but synchronistically ended up on the same flight from Hong Kong to Bali. (I was flying from the US, she from South Africa!)

Then, later on, we were going on a flight from Lombok to Bali. Our reservations were separate. I remember thinking as I stood in line to check in that I would ask for us to sit together. But when I got to speak with the check in person, I completely forgot to say so. My photographer had already checked in and left the line.

I had to smirk a little when I realized I had been seated right next to the photographer and her husband who were also on the flight.

What did I do? I made the intention that it would be nice to sit next to them.

And, no, this wasn’t a 17 seater flight, it was a more normal sized plane.

As we’re already speaking about this trip, let’s mention another manifestation that came as a big surprise.

We were on the beach shooting photos. We had done a shoot in a summer dress and I was going to change back into yoga clothes to take some yoga photos.

We left the spot on the mostly deserted beach in Lombok to go back to the one restaurant on that beach to change. It took about 5 minutes, and then we walked back to the same spot we had just taken photos.

To our surprise, a perfect mandala had been drawn up in the sand. (To see this mandala, check out the image on top of my main blog page.)

How did this get here so quickly? We didn’t see anyone around and the mandala was in such a perfect proportion it was hard to imagine that anyone could have drawn this up so fast and then vanished in the 5 (or less) minutes we were gone.

But hey, even though I didn’t ask for a mandala, it was BETTER than anything I could have ever asked for.

Again, there are countless examples I could make and many manifestations showing up in minutes or even seconds! Yes, no joke. This is truly possible. I do it all the time and have for many years.

It doesn’t have to be difficult, but you need more than a limited understanding of how it works in order to do this and you need to get out of the ego mind and connect with your higher self.

Ok, so what is the point I’m trying to make here?

1) Rather than manifesting from my ego, I was tuned into my heart and followed the inspiration of my heart. I truly wanted the experience the VIP days on the beach. I truly desired to stay in that beautiful villa on the private beach. I truly desired to be on the plane with my photographer. (After all, I had just finished an 18 hour flight by myself and I thought company would make the flight go faster.)

2) I didn’t even know that I wanted a mandala, but when it showed up it was better than perfect. Better than I could have thought of myself. My higher self knew that a mandala would be perfect and placed it there just in time to make the yoga pictures. (I’ve since been told that there are light codes embedded in the mandala that people receive from looking at it! Again, to see the mandala, go to the top of the main blog page.)

3) I didn’t force anything. I listened to my true desires of the heart and trusted in the Universe bringing it to me if it was for my highest good.

4) I was unattached to the outcome.

5) Last but not least, I didn’t tell myself “I can’t” do, be or have this…which truly is the very first step. To know that it IS possible.

So what makes this different from manifesting from the ego?

This is why manifesting from the ego isn’t for your highest good.

1) The ego thinks it knows what it wants, but it doesn’t know what’s best for you and you may manifest things you don’t actually want. Like the bad date!

2) Coming from a disempowered or wounded place of the ego, you’ll manifest situations that disempower you.

3) The ego is limited in power because it’s not connected to the infinite. The higher self is connected to infinite intelligence and infinite intelligence will always find a way – if it’s in your highest good and in alignment with your path.

4) I didn’t mention this earlier, but when I manifest I always ask for my personal will to be aligned with Divine will. Meaning; I want this if it is for my highest good and the highest good of all. People who manifest from the ego are usually not aware that what their ego thinks they want may not be what’s best for them or what the higher part of their being wants to experience.

So, there is a way to force manifestations through via the ego, and there is a way of effortlessly let manifestations flow into your life by being a match to what you want and surrender the how to the Universe.

It’s a difference of hustle versus flow. Ego versus higher self. Struggle versus ease.

Of course, I’ve had to do a lot of inner work to get to this place. It didn’t happen this way when I first learned about the Law of Attraction or first learned that I create my own reality.

Until you heal the limiting beliefs about yourself, your trauma and wounds, you’re going to continue to manifest things from those wounds; In other words; that bad date!

If you have trauma around money, you’re going to continue to create traumatic experiences until you have cleared that energy out of your consciousness.

This will explain why you can manifest some things without problems and other things may be more difficult for you. It’s because whatever you have a hard time manifesting, you are not an energetic match to. You can try harder and try to force it, but it will likely just end up like that bad date! – or be a temporary experience. It may show up for a little while, only to disappear again.

Because everything is energy you can’t fake the energy. The energy is what it is and will attract what it is a match to.

Everything is energy!

So if you have a limiting belief, that will create a limiting experience.

Also, let’s just talk a little bit about what you came into this life wanting to accomplish. If you are trying to do something that is not meant for you in this lifetime, you may drive yourself crazy trying to create it.

Your ego may think you want this, but it isn’t in your highest good, so the manifestation not happening is actually a good thing! Your higher self may be protecting you from straying further away from your true path.

Other times, you may be guided to do something, and you manifest it just to realize it’s not what you wanted. Or maybe the experience brings just the right healing that your soul knows you need or insight or lesson that you needed to learn at this point.

Remember, you came here as a soul wanting a human experience and you came here to learn lessons and accomplish certain tasks. While you do have free will to choose what you want, if you stray too much from your chosen path, your soul and higher self will likely intervene and make sure you’ll get the experiences that were meant to happen.

So, as you’re reading this, just thinking that you can force anything into existence and create anything without taking into account your own life path, purpose and the lessons and healing you came here to experience, you will likely get frustrated.

How about asking for what’s in your highest good instead and ask to be shown the way? Listen with your heart and follow the guidance without hesitation. That’s the fastest path to manifesting your true path.

I hope this will assist you in better understanding the different levels of manifesting.

There are many laws that govern the Universe and while understanding that like attracts like, there are other things and laws that play a part in manifestations. If not understood completely, this will create blocks to manifesting.

And of course, I’d like to end with this:

What’s meant for you will find its way. And what’s not meant for you will fall away.

It’s a matter of living without attachment and in surrendering to your highest good and the highest good of all. Your ego doesn’t know what your highest good is, even though it thinks it does.

You can push, force and struggle to try to create something that isn’t really meant for you, or you can surrender and trust that what’s right for you will show up, then trust and follow your inner guidance.

When you surrender, you open up to receive miracles.

When you force, you block your highest good – and you actually block miracles too because the energy of force is actually pushing what you want away from you.

I wrote more about that in this blog.

If you want to become a master at manifesting your highest good and step deeper into your purpose and mastery doing the work you hare here to do, then I invite you to sign up for my free 5D mini series.

In this training I’ll share with you how you to start transcending the limitations of the ego and the 3D world and step into a world where miracles occur in your life and business on a daily basis. Truly, you are a whole lot more powerful than you can probably imagine 🙂


  1. Liesbeth on October 8, 2022 at 5:45 am

    I love to read your posts once in a while! Thank you so much for your authentic sharing! I “manifested” so much early on in my life and lost it all after my marriage and a long divorce with a lot of narcissistic abuse. I lost myself and felt stuck for a long time. Then I found Joe Dispenza, read his boek “breaking the habit of being yourself” and my journey to “healing” and manifesting from source started again. Your emails and blogs were of great support along the way. I feel gratitude and awe again for how things play out and feel in a flow again. Thank you for passing by in my life! (I loved your email about the stones during a walk the most beautiful one). Much love from Belgium <3

    • Vibeke's Bio on October 10, 2022 at 11:51 am

      Dear Liesbeth, thank you so much for your beautiful comment and words and for being in my life <3 Abuse does take a huge toll as you have learned, but I'm so happy for you that you have been able to heal and turn things around again <3 Yes, those stones were amazing! I just saw one again a few months ago when I was walking in a different forest 🙂 Sending you much love <3

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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  1. Liesbeth on October 8, 2022 at 5:45 am

    I love to read your posts once in a while! Thank you so much for your authentic sharing! I “manifested” so much early on in my life and lost it all after my marriage and a long divorce with a lot of narcissistic abuse. I lost myself and felt stuck for a long time. Then I found Joe Dispenza, read his boek “breaking the habit of being yourself” and my journey to “healing” and manifesting from source started again. Your emails and blogs were of great support along the way. I feel gratitude and awe again for how things play out and feel in a flow again. Thank you for passing by in my life! (I loved your email about the stones during a walk the most beautiful one). Much love from Belgium <3

    • Vibeke's Bio on October 10, 2022 at 11:51 am

      Dear Liesbeth, thank you so much for your beautiful comment and words and for being in my life <3 Abuse does take a huge toll as you have learned, but I'm so happy for you that you have been able to heal and turn things around again <3 Yes, those stones were amazing! I just saw one again a few months ago when I was walking in a different forest 🙂 Sending you much love <3

Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.