The secret to easily attracting more money and abundance in your business

Want to attract more abundance?

You may have been brought up to believe that if you work hard, stay in a secure job and save your money, you’ll be in a good shape financially. 

Maybe you were told if you follow your passions you’ll end up broke, so do the safe thing: Become a lawyer, accountant, doctor or dentist and you’ll be in good shape.

Ever heard your parents or teachers say anything along those lines?

If there is one thing that has become crystal clear on my path to helping entrepreneurs build lifestyle businesses doing what they love, it’s that the old ways of doing things are no longer working.

The way you feel has everything to do about whether you attract abundance or repel it. (And yes, your thoughts and beliefs are very important also, but not what I’m covering in this particular post).

So many people stay miserable in jobs they hate because they believe it will give them the security they need. They aren’t following their calling because they have been told it will make them poor. They work way too hard in their business believing they have to in order to make the money they need. Have you ever done any of that?

If you are unhappy with your work, over time it could make you become sick, depressed or end up with all kinds of financial or personal problems. Call it a downward spiral. That is not the way to naturally attract abundance.

Financial problems or lack of attracting abundance is always a symptom, not a cause. You are the cause, and money or lack of it is the effect of who you are being. It is a direct effect of your beliefs, thoughts, and actions or lack thereof.

You are a vibrational being, a bunch of molecules vibrating at different frequencies, and these frequencies will dictate what you get in your financial life, and otherwise.

You are like a human transmitter like a cell tower projecting your frequencies out into life and as a result you get back what you transmit.

If you transmit sadness, anxiety or depression, worry or doubt, you will reflect back more reasons to feel more of those same feelings. If you transmit happiness, you will attract more reasons to be happy.

If you are not a vibrational match to what you want, you will not get it, no matter how hard you work or what you do. It’s a physical impossibility. And your feelings and emotions are the thermometer that tells you how you’re doing.

When you feel bad, you’re at a low vibrational frequency which will only attract more things of lower frequency. Like attracts like. When you feel on top of the world and you’re in a high vibration you’re in the process of manifesting more good things into your life. Your vibrational frequency will dictate what you create in your future whether you want it to or not.

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  • Powerful meditation to help you manifest your dreams
  • Clear inner blockages and fears that are holding you back from confidently stepping into your passion & purpose

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Like Einstein said, “everything is frequency and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that frequency. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

There is a lot of wisdom in that statement and once you truly understand the depth and profound message in this statement, you’re in a place where you can overcome pretty much anything and also attract abundance. You can use the same principles to heal yourself from illness, manifest huge amounts of wealth and create consciously whatever your heart desires.

Once you put yourself on the frequency of abundance, you cannot help but attract abundance.

I have used these principles myself to heal myself from illness when nothing else was working, and I’ve consciously manifested large sums of money using this principle and do it all the time. If I were to say it bluntly, it’s the KEY to managing life.

Staying in a high vibration is a way to put yourself on the frequency of wealth. Being unhappy ultimately translates into a low vibration that will attract other negative things into your life, like financial hardships. I’ve experienced that too.

You are always the cause of what happens in your life, whether you like to believe that or not and whether or not you are consciously aware of it.

Once you buy into that and understand how to change your frequency, you can literally buy your life with your emotions. This may sound really silly but it’s actually how it works! It pays to put your happiness first. But don’t take my word for it, follow your joy and see what happens 🙂

When you learn to tune into the frequency of what you want, or if you are naturally at that frequency you will attract what you want with ease. People may say you are on a string of luck or you are a lucky person, but the truth is, you are not lucky, you’re just on the right frequency to attract that which you want. You are using the laws of the universe to your advantage whether you are aware of it or not.

If you are having trouble manifesting what you want, you may want to read this article which explains why you may be having issues and what to do about it.

Just like you cannot view the sports channel when you’re tuned into the Disney Channel, you cannot receive wealth on the channel of lack.

You have to tune to the right channel or frequency to get what you want. 

If you want some help to reprogram yourself for the abundance channel, I invite you to get a free copy of my Rewire Your Brain Meditation here.

You cannot receive wealth on the lack channel. The key is to get onto the channel for abundance. The Rewire Your Brain Meditation will help you reprogram so you can get onto the mental channel for abundance.

Attracting wealth through changing “your channel” is a whole lot easier than to work hard for it. That by no means means you should stop working for what you want. But you don’t need to work so hard, and you don’t need to struggle! You can use your mind to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

You have the power and support of the entire Universe inside of you.

You will start manifesting synchronicities lining up for you and coming out of what seems like nowhere. Money might show up from unexpected sources, investments suddenly making huge jumps or clients and money flowing to you with little to no effort.

If you want to learn how this shows up in real life, check out my post: Creating daily magic and miraculous manifestations.

This is what happens when you are a vibrational match to abundance, you attract abundance naturally. The way to become a vibrational match to abundance is not to be bitterly working hard, or being resentful that you’re creating the results you don’t like. Those frequencies are not aligned with the higher frequencies that attract good things into your life, such as abundance.

Your happiness level is directly affecting your bank account. The key is doing your inner work and raising your vibration. To learn more about how you can raise your vibration, check out this article I wrote.

This is why happiness and feeling good is the key to success, not just in business but in life. Love what you do, put that passion into your work and you will project that high frequency of love into the universe. You put enough high vibe out there, you cannot help but having wonderful things come back to you. Money and otherwise.

This is why listening to how you feel is crucial.

Your vibrational level of attraction is so much more powerful than any action you could ever take.

When you create from a place of vibration you bypass time and space and you can do things you never thought you could do. You move beyond the limitations of the 3D world and into a world where magic and miracles start appearing before your eyes on a regular basis.

And you are the creator of these miracles!

You can spend more time at the beach. Go on vacations, spend time with your family, hobbies or just take a day off. Do what makes you happy.

This is why taking a day off to tend to how you feel can be more productive than plowing through while feeling frustrated, angry or tired.

You can work hard from a low vibration and you might get some results but if you work less from a high vibration I can assure you your results will be multiplied.

So kick back a little. Take time to nurture yourself and start practicing regular self-care. Let go of resentments, forgive those you need to forgive, let go of the things that bring you down and start focusing on creating your happiness. Your wallet will thank you.

If you want to step into living from this higher reality where you can bypass the limitations of the 3D world and create your own kind of magic, I invite you on a journey with me. I invite you to get started by getting a copy of my Success-soul® Living Starter Kit.

In it you will find a powerful Healing Activation to help you clear inner blocks to money and abundance (and more), a Visualization Meditation to help you manifest your wildest dreams, as well as a workbook to help you tune into your desires and help you get clear on your vision and next steps.

Just click here to get started on your transformation now.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Success-soul® Living Starter Kit Create a business that feeds your soul & your bank account

  • Get the clarity you need and the tools to get started - whether you are brand new or want to take your business to the next level
  • Powerful meditation to help you manifest your dreams
  • Clear inner blockages and fears that are holding you back from confidently stepping into your passion & purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.