Why it’s not spiritual to be poor

One of my mentors used to say that beauty and opulence is the fullest expression of the Universe/God and that poverty is ugliness.

Hard to argue that.

But why is it that so many spiritual people are wrapped up in lack and financial distress and think it’s not spiritual to charge for their services or earn plenty of money?

It’s a lack of understanding of how the Universe works. I’m often amazed when I speak with people who seem to understand the Universe very well, yet, they don’t understand that the laws that apply to the Universe do not exclude money.

Really? The Universe didn’t create special spiritual laws that control money, differently from everything else? OK, I’ll get off my attitude now, but just think about that for a moment how absurd that would be.

So, let’s talk about why it’s not spiritual to be broke (and hey, I’m fine if you disagree with me here, this isn’t about being right but about teaching truths. Not everybody is ready to learn this truth yet, but chances are you are since you’re reading this article.)

First of all, we need money to live a great life. I think most people would agree that on this planet Earth, that is the truth, unless you want to live in the forest, pick berries and go hunting to feed yourself.

Second, the Universe is inherently abundant. People talk about lack of water, but most of the planet is covered with water. The leaves fall in the fall, but come back again in spring. Everything is constantly growing and evolving. There is no lack.

If you disagree, go count the leaves of grass on your lawn or go in the forest and count the trees…or the grains of sand on the beach! Then, come back and leave a comment below and tell me how many there were, I’m curious!  🙂

The lack that exists, is in people’s minds, and as a result, they manifest lack in life, but lack is not the truth of the Universe. The truth and natural order of the Universe is abundance and everything is in constant expansion. The creative form that creates it all is in spirit and spirit has capacity to create infinitely.

You eat your lettuce and new lettuce grows back when you plant it. The more you plant, the more you harvest.

If you think about the lettuce, the more seeds you plant, the more lettuce you get (that is if you water it and take care of it, of course.) The more you believe in abundance, the more seeds of abundance you are planting. If you believe in lack, and only want to plant one seed because you’re “saving the other seeds for a rainy day’, you’ll only get one lettuce. But you could have had many more, and there is no limit to the seeds you can plant in consciousness, so effectively you could have an infinite amount of seeds which would turn into an infinite amount of lettuce. What people who believe in lack usually doesn’t understand is that when you plant that last seed, more seeds will be given to you.

But you didn’t plant more seeds because you didn’t think there was enough seeds and that you only had the seeds you saw in your own physical presence in this moment. Guess what, you were mistaken. There’s an infinite amount of seeds, or in other words potential in the consciousness of the Universe which creates everything in existence.  

Spirit created money or money wouldn’t exist. If you agree that poverty is ugliness, then why would it be spiritual to be poor?

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Money is simply a form of exchange. It is energy like everything else on the planet. We can use it for good or for bad, but the truth is, there is no lack of money and more money is printed every day. It may look like lack is the truth if that’s what you see in your life, and if it is, it has to do with your thinking, subconscious programming and your energetic vibration, not the fact that there isn’t enough.

Unless you block abundance with your thoughts, beliefs (conscious and subconscious) and actions, abundance will flow to you. The Universe will answer your needs and wants because it hears your every wish, knows your every desire and what you need at any point in time. In fact, it was spirit that put the desire in you, so if you have the desire for more money (or anything else for that matter) then the way to achieve that is already in existence as a possibility. If you don’t see it in your reality it’s because you’re blocking it from getting to you.

So, let me ask you this. If you are one of the people who claim it’s spiritual to be poor, and you see someone with a lot of abundance, do you ever get even slightly jealous or envious? If you do, it’s a sign that you want what they have or you wouldn’t be. But you may not willing to admit that, possibly because you have decided, probably from a subconscious level, that you can’t have it, are not worthy of it, or that it’s bad to have money. This is coming from something you learned at some point in your evolution, but not from higher truth.

The Universe wants us to express ourselves fully and become the biggest and fullest expression of ourselves. It’s hard to do that if you’re struggling to put food on the table. That is not spiritual expression of its highest form. Click To Tweet

The Universe wants us to express ourselves fully and become the biggest and fullest expression of ourselves. It’s hard to do that if you’re struggling to put food on the table or wonder how you’re going to pay your rent. That is not spiritual expression of its highest form, is it?

How can you fulfill your wildest dreams if you don’t have an abundance of resources to do it? How can you help the children in Africa if you can’t even help yourself? Think about that.

You, my friend, and your consciousness is affecting everyone around you just by who you’re being, what you’re thinking and from your energetic vibration. Believing in lack is believing in programming that is not in alignment with higher truth.

The truth will always set you free, and believing in lack is coming from a lower level of consciousness and understanding. Abundance exists at higher vibrations. This means that you need to raise your vibration if you want to become a magnet for abundance naturally. Fear and abundance live on two different frequencies, so if you’re having fears about money, you’re not coming from a place of truth, but from programming and something a human being told you that you bought into.

It’s kind of like watching the sports channel wondering where Oprah is. Oprah is not on the sports channel, so no matter how hard you look or how long you watch, you likely won’t find Oprah unless you switch to her network; OWN.

In the same way, if you’re on the lack channel looking for abundance, the same will happen. You won’t find it!

So, you may ask, why then are people starving? To paraphrase Marianne Williamson: The people in Africa are starving not because of their lack of consciousness, but because of ours. This happens through the collective consciousness and the actions that come out of that conciousness.

Your vibration and thoughts affects those around you through morphic fields, even if you don’t open your mouth or do anything at all.

Google the “100th monkey phenomenon” or click here if you want to understand more about how this works from a practical example.

This, my friend is why it’s not spiritual to be poor. It’s simply lack of self love and unworthiness mixed in with indoctrinated thoughts about how the world works that are not based on higher truths but on social programming.

To learn more about how your energy affects your level of abundance, you might also want to check out this article: How to use your mind to attract abundance and 7 Ways you repel abundance through your energy.

So, in essence, to put it very bluntly: You living in poverty consciousness is contributing to more poverty on the planet. This is what we all need to wake up to! There is no lack, and when you live from a place of abundance you will know it, see it, feel it and experience that truth every day.

There isn’t one cake to be distributed amongst us all, where if you take a big piece, the rest of us get less. We all create our own cake from our own consciousness, and by doing so, we’re not taking anything from anyone else. When you create something from spirit through your own consciousness, you’re not taking from anybody’s cake you are CREATING your own cake from scratch.

Imagine if we took all the money in the world and distributed it equally amongst every person on the planet. How long do you think it would stay that way? Not long. Have you ever wondered why lottery winners often go broke soon after they win a lot of money? It’s because of their consciousness. Their consciousness is not expanded enough to be a container for that amount of money, so the money “leaks” out. It’s like their cup is too small and all the money pours out of it. The small cup is an image of their lack consciousness.

However, some people can lose everything just to regain it in no time.

When you are creating from spirit, and spirit is infinite you are not taking from anyone, simply creating more where there was nothing before. Click To Tweet

When you are creating from spirit, and spirit is infinite you are not taking from anyone, simply creating more where there was nothing before. There is NO limit to what spirit can create, but if you live in lack consciousness, lack is what spirit is going to create for you, for it responds to your thoughts and beliefs and mirrors that right back to you.

To sum it up: Lack consciousness is based on fear. The fear of not having enough. Fear and truth are not on the same vibrational frequency, so in other words anything based on lack thinking is not based on higher truth.

So, do you still think it’s spiritual to be poor?

Our souls are here to grow and expand spiritually and living from a place of truth and infinite possibilities rather than illusions and limitations, is one of the things we are here to learn. Therefore, I don’t believe it’s the highest spiritual expression to be living in lack consciousness.

Want some help letting go of old programming that is no longer serving you and step into living from a place of higher truth and abundance instead? Click here to request a call with me to see how I can help you shift into a more abundant mindset, which in turn will help you attract more abundance.


  1. Michelle on October 5, 2018 at 9:31 pm

    Awesome article Vibeke, especially loved your quote from Marianne Williamson: The people in Africa are starving not because of their lack of consciousness, but because of ours. This happens through the collective consciousness and the actions that come out of that conciousness. For me I don’t think I have a consciousness of lack but I am sure there is a little bit of it hanging around in my subconscious because money comes in very easily and generously when I ask for it but goes just as quickly. I didn’t reasonate with your message of poverty because I dont associate myself with that but it was very interesting to hear the collective mentality has such an impact. Thank you for your message. ❤️ Michelle

    • Vibeke on October 6, 2018 at 12:12 am

      So glad you liked it Michelle. The headline is more for catch than anything and I don’t think most of my readers would associate themselves with being poor, but it’s the poor thinking or poor mentality more than anything that even people with a lot of money often have. Regarding money going out fast and not staying, maybe you need to ask for some more money to stay with you 🙂 Thanks for your comments!

  2. Sue Dhillon on October 29, 2018 at 5:13 am

    Omg. Thank you so much for the great content and awesome inspiration. You’re so awesome for shining your light. Thank you. xoxo

    • Vibeke on October 29, 2018 at 6:44 pm

      I’m glad you like my content 🙂

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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  1. Michelle on October 5, 2018 at 9:31 pm

    Awesome article Vibeke, especially loved your quote from Marianne Williamson: The people in Africa are starving not because of their lack of consciousness, but because of ours. This happens through the collective consciousness and the actions that come out of that conciousness. For me I don’t think I have a consciousness of lack but I am sure there is a little bit of it hanging around in my subconscious because money comes in very easily and generously when I ask for it but goes just as quickly. I didn’t reasonate with your message of poverty because I dont associate myself with that but it was very interesting to hear the collective mentality has such an impact. Thank you for your message. ❤️ Michelle

    • Vibeke on October 6, 2018 at 12:12 am

      So glad you liked it Michelle. The headline is more for catch than anything and I don’t think most of my readers would associate themselves with being poor, but it’s the poor thinking or poor mentality more than anything that even people with a lot of money often have. Regarding money going out fast and not staying, maybe you need to ask for some more money to stay with you 🙂 Thanks for your comments!

  2. Sue Dhillon on October 29, 2018 at 5:13 am

    Omg. Thank you so much for the great content and awesome inspiration. You’re so awesome for shining your light. Thank you. xoxo

    • Vibeke on October 29, 2018 at 6:44 pm

      I’m glad you like my content 🙂

Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.