{"id":7101,"date":"2019-06-13T06:00:37","date_gmt":"2019-06-13T06:00:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/successoulliving.com\/?p=7101"},"modified":"2020-01-14T05:53:57","modified_gmt":"2020-01-14T13:53:57","slug":"how-to-create-good-karma","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/successoulliving.com\/how-to-create-good-karma\/","title":{"rendered":"Karma a bit*h? How to cultivate good karma"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

It feels like I\u2019ve been on a crash course to learn about karma in the last few years and the Universe has shown me very clearly the connections and intricacies of this interesting Law of Karma and how it works practically.

Being an almost instant manifestor, it\u2019s easy to see the connection between what I put out there and what comes back to me and it\u2019s been so interesting to get such an intimate connection to this flow of life and how the laws of the Universe work.

After studying universal laws for quite some time, the law of karma and how it operates fascinates me more than any other universal law.

The law of karma is a sub-law of the law of cause and effect. The law of cause and effect  simply states that for every action, there is a reaction.

This is very similar to Newton\u2019s third law of motion which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But as you know from reading my blog, I primarily write about spiritual concepts and my own experiences of these concepts, however, when science is able to \u201cprove\u201d or catch up to what spiritual concepts have stated for eons, I love to mention it so that if you\u2019re one of the sceptics who needs scientific proof, you can get something to chew on \ud83d\ude42

In essence, karma is accumulated action that needs to be balanced out by a reaction. The word karma means action. You cannot escape karma. Every thought, word spoken, action and choice taken creates karma. In fact, as the ancient yogis teach, your crown chakra at the top of your head releases 1000 thoughts per blink of an eye! Most of these thoughts of course, are not processed by your conscious mind as that would be impossible.

The thoughts that are not processed consciously will get dumped into your unconscious mind, accumulating karma. This means that it\u2019s not only what you do that creates karma, but it is also your intentions and thoughts. Conscious and subconscious. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Karma is a way for us to learn from our actions. It is the natural consequence of our choices, good or bad.

Guess what happens when you project hateful thoughts to other people? They will eventually come back to you like a boomerang. It may be from a different person, it may be at a later time, but the essence of what you project out will always come back to you.  It has to. This is law.

The same is true for good intentions and spreading love. What you send out must come back and you cannot escape this wheel of life. However, there are ways to change the trajectory of your karma, and we will talk about that later on in this article.

I believe that a lot of accumulated karma can be one of the biggest internal obstacles that hold well meaning people who are on a personal development journey back. They may have done and tried everything to overcome a challenge, yet it doesn\u2019t seem to go away. You may be dealing with clearing your karma, possibly from another lifetime.

Many people think of karma as punishment; you do something bad to other people and the Universe punishes you. I don\u2019t like to think about it that way at all. There is no judge in heaven looking to punish you. Everything in the Universe happens according to law, and so does karma. You get back what you put out. Good or bad.
<\/p>\n\n\nThere is no judge in heaven looking to punish you. Everything in the Universe happens according to law, and so does karma. You get back what you put out. Good or bad. <\/a><\/span>Click To Tweet<\/a><\/span>\n\n\n

Karma is simply accumulation of actions that needs to be balanced out. Like an accountant balancing out the books at the end of the month to make sure everything has been accounted for correctly, the same is true with karma. Nothing escapes the Universe! Each action creates an amount in the debt column. This debt needs to be repaid at some point.

I think this karmic quote explains the essence of karma very eloquently:

When a bird is alive… it eats ants<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

When a bird dies…ants eat it<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

One tree can be made into a million matchsticks\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

But only one matchstick is needed to burn a million trees.<\/em>

Circumstances can change any time\u2026<\/em><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Don\u2019t devalue or hurt anyone in life\u2026<\/em>

You may be powerful today, but time is more powerful than you.<\/em>

(Author unknown)

Just like with the ant and the bird, you may be playing out karma from another lifetime, and you don\u2019t recall what you did to accumulate the karma you\u2019re now dealing with. But remember, your karma is also based on your subconscious thoughts and beliefs, so you can\u2019t possibly be aware of everything you\u2019re putting out there!

What you may not be aware of is that if your parents and ancestors didn\u2019t work through their own karma they may be passing on generational karma to you upon their death. This is how generational patterns continue until someone finally deals with it properly to balance out the karma. I\u2019ve personally experienced this, where I was playing out a situation that was going on between other people in my lineage, and before I understood this connection, I was at lack of words over the drama that played out and how it could even happen in the first place.

Your karma is stored in your subtle energy body, in the archline. Between lifetimes your karma gets downloaded to the earth star chakra and when you are born on earth, all of your accumulated karma us uploaded like a computer software. This becomes part of the standard operating system for your life. If there is a lot of virus in the system, your life may not run very smoothly!

Remember that we are all on a spiritual journey of growth and everyone is at a different place in their development. There is no judgement here. We all have different challenges our soul needs to learn and work through at some point. Or we would no longer be here. The fact that you\u2019re here means you\u2019re not perfect and you still have more to learn. Don\u2019t be too hard on yourself! This article is meant for enlightenment, not judgment.

You can also take on other people\u2019s karma via their energy and spending time with them, specifically if you are intimate. Remember the saying that you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with! This is so true from an energetic perspective. We are not separate and the boundaries between us are blurred when it comes from an energetic perspective. It is an aspect of karma that is less talked about, but important, especially in times online dating and Tinder!

When a woman is having intercourse with a man, she takes on part of his energy or karma. No condom can stop this from happening! So you\u2019d better know who you are sleeping with and know that they are someone you admire and aspire to be like. I believe the saying from the Bible that says \u201cin marriage, two souls become one\u201d, directly talks to this energy phenomena. This is actually what happens from a soul\/energy perspective.

If you\u2019re on the path of personal development and you\u2019ve done a lot of work on yourself to clear your limiting beliefs, karma and blocks to manifesting the life you want, you may want to think twice about who you\u2019re hanging out with and especially who you\u2019re sleeping with.

This is not to say to not be kind to people or to judge other people, but to manage your energy with care and to stay away from people, situations and circumstances that energetically feels wrong to you, or bring you down. This is your responsibility.

Your energy is your most valuable asset. But it can also be your greatest demise. Investing in your energy is one of the most important things you can do. Being conscious about your actions is important, and the more aware and awake you become, the higher standards you will be put to.
Your energy is your most valuable asset. But it can also be your greatest demise. Investing in your energy is one of the most important things you can do <\/a><\/span>Click To Tweet<\/a><\/span>\n\n\n

Now that you understand the basics of how karma works and how you may accumulate it, let\u2019s talk about what you can do to neutralize your karma or change the trajectory of your life, because it doesn\u2019t need to be your destiny.

I have been doing a lot of work on clearing karma lately, both for myself but also for clients, and the results have been quite interesting and powerful. This work has blown my mind in terms of what it does. Situations, circumstances and relationships that were in complete gridlock transformed magically, and often very quickly. It\u2019s been amazing to witness.

Recently I had a client come to me asking for help. She had a house she needed to sell and her intuition told her to reach out to me. It had been on the market for 3 years with no offers. She was feeling desperate as it was a house she owned with her ex husband and she was ready to cut ties. Nobody had lived in the house for a long time, and neither of them had any intention of moving back in. It was in a nice neighborhood, it was a beautiful house, there was nothing wrong with it, and it was in a sought after city and neighborhood. There was no obvious reason why the house wouldn\u2019t sell…So why didn\u2019t it sell?

I told her that I don\u2019t usually take on this kind of work, and that I had never helped people sell houses before, but that I was happy to give it a try. I told her that the karmic clearings I do are very powerful and always work, so I thought it had to work for this as well. I treated it as an experiment and told her that. She was eager for me to get started.

I started working on clearing the karma of the house and had been working on it in daily increments for about two weeks when I finally felt something shift. The next morning, my client reached out and said they had two interested buyers. A week later, they had signed a contract on the house. After three years and three different realtors, it wasn\u2019t until the karma was cleared that the house sold three weeks after I started working on it.

When nothing seems to work and you\u2019ve tried everything you can think of, clearing the karma often does the trick!

The shifts that happen are almost too good to be true, but they are very real. And they often happen very fast. So, no matter what you\u2019re going through, know that you can shift it. You are not a prisoner to your karma! If you would like to learn more about this or want help to clear the karma that is holding you back or keeping situations in a gridlock, feel free to reach out to me here. <\/a>

Whether you want a little extra help to shift this or not, there are many ways to neutralize karma and I may create another blog about how to do that at some other time. But first, let\u2019s look at how you can stop accumulating \u201cbad\u201d karma and start accumulating \u201cgood\u201d karma first.

As I was going through a situation triggered by the inherited family karma (and drama) I talked about earlier, I was going through a yoga teacher training and reading a book on Buddhism and loving kindness. As I was twisting my mind trying to figure a way out of the mess I was in with a family member, I came across just the perfect information to help guide my actions.

The information is based on 253 Precepts that a Buddhist monk takes on in order to avoid inflicting injury on themselves or others. 10 of these are very helpful and look somewhat similar to the 10 commandments in Christianity.

These 10 precepts are the foundation for ethical discipline needed to protect yourself from harm. This is why, as the book states, that it\u2019s written in negative, or in \u201cdo not\u201d terms rather than in positive terms. It\u2019s because they are for spiritual protection.


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