Money: The inside scoop

Money is an inside job. You are the cause, and money is the effect.

You can either be a magnet for money or you can repel it. Either way, YOU are the cause.

Does this surprise you or maybe even make you upset when I say that? Chances are I’ve hit a button. As much as you’d like to think that outside circumstances such the economy determines how much money you make, it is simply not true.

YOU are the one in complete control of your money. And if money is scarce, it’s because there is something inside of you that is blocking the flow of abundance.

Most likely you have become programmed for lack. And unless you change the programming, no hard work or struggle is going to change your predicament. Whatever the subconscious mind believes to be true has to become your reality.

The good news is you can change your programming and reprogram your mind for abundance. But first, let’s take a look at what might be going on.

Most of my life I believed that if I just worked hard enough I would make a lot of money. And I did. I started taking odd jobs from before I was 10 and worked hard all my teenage years and throughout my adult life. That was until my body eventually collapsed from exhaustion.

But it doesn’t matter if you have a lot of money if you have to trade your life and your health to get it. That is NOT exactly what I call freedom.

But it is the way most people are being programmed. We have been trained to trade our lives for money and unfortunately, that keeps most of the people on the planet in the rat race.

But please, don’t stay in the rat race. There is a much better way, I promise.

So…the first step is to realize you are the cause. That means you need to take 100% responsibility for where you are now. The good and the bad. The good news is, you can now change it. Once you unblock the beliefs and inner blocks that are preventing abundance to flow, your situation could change on a dime.

Here are the top myths and beliefs about making money that are keeping you stuck:

  • The best way to make a lot of money is to work really hard. Truth: You don’t need to work hard to make money, you need to align your inner beliefs with abundance and take inspired and aligned action.
  • The more hours I work the more money I make: Truth: This is only true if you exchange dollars for hours, and this is an outdated model for doing business. If you are trading dollars for hours, I recommend you change your business model.
  • My circumstances prevent me from making money: Truth: It is not the circumstances that prevent you; it’s the fact that you blame your circumstances. This means you don’t understand how it really works and why you need to take 100% responsibility. (Sorry don’t mean to be harsh, but this is true). We all have circumstances in our life; it’s not what happens to us, but how we deal with it. Are you an “I can” person or an “I can’t” person?
  • I don’t have a large enough network, community, email list. Truth: You don’t need a large network to make a lot of money in your business. You can make money from a small list. You just need the right business model and the right strategy and mindset and you can make a lot of money from a small community. And, there are many people with large communities who are NOT making a lot of money.
  • I don’t have enough experience so people won’t buy from me. Truth: You simply don’t believe in yourself. Maybe you feel that you’re not good enough (yes, I’ve been there too). Most likely you have more than enough experience you just need to believe in yourself!
  • I’m not famous/well known yet so I need to price my services low. Truth: You don’t need to be famous to charge what you are worth. You just need to offer value and feel confident in your abilities.
  • My ideal clients cannot afford my services/products. Truth: What’s going on inside of you for you to attract people who say they cannot afford? Like attracts like. Do you ever tell people you cannot afford it? That’s where the problem is. If you come from lack yourself, you will attract people who also come from lack. The way to change this is to change your beliefs and start consciously choosing to believe in abundance over lack.
  • It’s not okay for me to make a lot of money. Truth: We are divine beings and money is an important part of living a good life. There is nothing wrong with making money. Most likely you have some beliefs about money that are not serving you and making it hard for you to make the income you want.
  • I somehow feel I don’t deserve it. Truth: We are all deserving of having what we want despite what anyone ever told you.

Want some help aligning with more abundance in your life and business? Get a copy of my free Success-soul® Living Starter Kit to heal and reprogram some of the beliefs that are holding you back. You’ll get a healing activation to help you remove disempowering beliefs at the root, as well as a Visualization Meditation and a workbook to help you manifest your wildest dreams. Just click here for instant access. 

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.