How to supercharge your manifesting powers through daily rituals

There used to be a time when I would jump out of bed, get showered and dressed, barely get any breakfast, if any at all, make my sugary chai full of caffeine and run down to my office to get started on all the work for the day.

Although I was super effective and got a lot of work done quickly, it wasn’t the best way to start my day. First of all, running on caffeine can burn out your adrenals, and that’s basically what happened many years later.

If you’re not prioritizing self-care and proper food and nutrition, you’re running against time. At some point your body is going to catch up with you, as it did with me. And this comes with a warning: I was young, I was healthy and I thought nothing could ever happen to me, but it did. I didn’t listen to warnings like this. I hope you are wiser.

I would pride myself on being the fastest, most effective worker I could ever be; having read more time management books than I can count. In fact, I started working in a place years ago and when they realized how effective I was, they fired another person thinking I could get her work done instead.

But what I found in working on being the most effective person I could be is that time management only goes so far. Plus; don’t you agree that running fast all the time is very stressful and detrimental for your health? And rushing is actually a manifestation of fear. You’re afraid that if you’re not going fast, something will not be okay. There is usually some kind of underlying belief of not feeling good enough, worthy or being afraid underneath hurry. Counting minutes and hours you spend on certain tasks in order to “beat time” is also a recipe for burnout.

There is a much more powerful way to be productive. It’s called leveraging the power of the Universe and daily rituals. And one of the secrets to doing this is to be fully present and not rush.

I didn’t say go slow or procrastinate. I said; don’t rush. In order to become a powerful manifestor it’s important to stay present.

Ever since healing myself using my mind after everything else failed (you can read more about me and my story here) I’ve worked to reprogram my body, mind and spirit in ways that are not only healthy for me, but which help me be, do and have more.

One of the most powerful things I have implemented that literally transformed my business results while working much less is the power of rituals.

Every day now, I have a ritual I follow in the morning before I start working. I’ve done this for many years now, and the routine changes a bit from time to time, and with the seasons. Some of the things I incorporate into my morning routine is meditation, yoga and walking in nature. Sometimes I will journal and I will focus on what I am grateful for and set intentions for the day.

I don’t think what you do is as important as committing to doing it EVERY day. Have I missed a day here and there?  Of course, I am human and stuff happens. But the routine is my commitment and I set off time for it every day. Only on rare occasions do I miss it.

The thing is, when you do something every day, it’s like you’re charging a battery. It gets stronger over time. When you have a powerful self-care ritual or spiritual practice and you do it every day, the cumulative effects are incredible.

Several years back, as I was going through a divorce, I had set the intention to do 40 days of yoga. While I had practiced yoga for many years, I had never done it every day for that long period of time.

Yoga balances your chakras and energy fields within your body which is so important if you want to be a powerful manifestor. I can’t remember exactly when I started manifesting instantaneously (I ask for something and literally have it show up seconds or minutes later with no effort on my part) but when I was doing this yoga practice daily, manifesting became effortless and often instantaneous, because my energy was so light and clear. It was like I became a super charged cell tower that could literally call in anything I wanted. I was on speed dial with the Universe and the Universe would prioritize answering my calls.

I still do this a lot, but it was most noticeable when I first started doing this. The 40 days of yoga which I started on my own quickly turned into a Facebook group of many more people doing the same with me. And the 40 days turned into 80, then 120 and then I lost track.

I’m mentioning this because while you could sit there and count minutes or hours of being “effective” working hard applying every time management tool under the sun, I’ve found that nothing beats being in alignment and having the ability to call in what you want with so much less effort, using the power of your energy.

Like I’ve said so many times before: Like Einstein said: “Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but having that reality. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” If you could take one thing from this article, it’s truly understanding the power of this statement.

Rituals are easy to do and easy not to do. But wouldn’t you agree that it’s the things we do consistently every day that will create huge ripple effects over time? Just like going to the gym once can feel good, you’re not going to get very good results if you stop after one time. You need to keep going.

When you can have the discipline to do your rituals every day, it will do more than one thing for you. First, it boosts your self-confidence because you’re doing what you set out to do and not just talking about it.

Second, your self-confidence and the discipline required to do the rituals will also spill into other areas of your life, so you might find that you become more committed to your goals in the process and don’t let things like procrastination or fear get in the way.

Third, you’ll super charge your manifesting batteries and energize and balance your chakras, which is so important in order to have a well-functioning and healthy life. This will also help you with manifesting.

And the great thing about keeping things going is; when a healthy ritual becomes a habit, you have literally reprogrammed your mind to do it naturally and without a lot of thinking or effort. It’s like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. You’re so used to doing it that it would feel strange not to do it.

Do you have any daily rituals? If you don’t or if you want to uplevel your rituals, let’s look at how you can do that now.

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Here are seven steps to create and maintain a powerful ritual to leverage the power of the Universe daily

Find out what kind of ritual you feel most drawn to starting with. It could be something you’ve been wanting or saying you’re going to do for some time but haven’t done. If you’re a meditator, I highly suggest you incorporate meditation into your ritual, but think of other things as well, such as journaling, praying, gratitude work, walking in nature, exercising of some kind (best if it helps to balance the chakras too!)

If this is the first time doing this, I suggest you start small and increase over time. For example, if you want to start with meditating, choose a time you know you’ll be able to do every day. For example, start with only 10 minutes per day. As you become more used to doing the ritual, you can increase the time you spend.

Set a goal for how long you’re going to do this for. Depending on how challenging commitment is for you, you can set the goal for 1 week, one month or 40 days. If you constantly start doing things and don’t follow through, start with a shorter goal to help you build up your confidence. Once you complete that goal, you can commit to another length of time and so on.

Find out when you’re going to do this ritual. I highly recommend doing it in the morning to super-charge your day and to do it at the same time every day (as much as it’s possible). If you’re a mom, you may want to do it before your kids get up in the morning, or after dropping them off at daycare. (I know how challenging it can be juggling small kids and everything else you want to do in your life!) The key here is that you reserve time for this in your calendar every day and don’t book appointments during that time. Let your family members know that this is important to you and to leave you alone during that time. Especially if you’re a mom, it’s so important that you recharge yourself. This is not selfish but necessary for you to be a good mom.

Create a sacred space to do your ritual. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but doing your routine every day at the same time and place creates a certain expectation in your mind. You may want to create a sacred space, create an altar or light a candle, burn some sage, have your favorite crystals around you or diffuse some essential oil. When you’re doing your routine from a sacred place, just the smell of the oils will trigger your mind to get into a certain mood.

Keep your ritual sacred. Meaning; this is sacred time just for you and you don’t let things get in the way of doing it. Just like you wouldn’t skip going to the bathroom when you need to, you need to be as diligent about your ritual as you can, or it won’t be a routine. And remember, it’s doing the same things every day that will create that supercharge in your energy field over time.

If for some reason you fall off the habit, get started again. Sometimes, due to illness or other things out of your control you may be unable to continue your routine. Don’t beat yourself up if that happens. Just get started again as soon as you can. Actually, the day after drafting this article, I got sick with the flu! I hardly ever get sick but I was so sick I had to give up my daily routine for a while. It happens. Set a new goal and start over as soon as you can if you fall off the horse. Rinse and repeat 🙂

What kind of daily rituals do you have? Would love to hear. Please drop a note to share below.

Need some help manifesting the business and lifestyle you want? I invite you to request a complimentary call with me here. Let’s explore what’s possible for you and create a plan for how to get there faster 🙂

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

The 5D Mini-Series

How To Elevate Your Business to 5D and Create Unlimited Abundance and Freedom Living Your Purpose

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.