From struggle to ease: Six things you need to know to turn things around

How to reach your goals and overcome struggle | Success-soul™ LivingOne of the biggest challenges I see a lot of entrepreneurs face is that they are working hard pushing to reach their goals yet not reaching them. As a result, they tend to work harder and harder, thinking that may solve the problem.

But what I’ve learned is that if you are in “pushing” mode, you often push the very thing you want away from you. The energy of the pushing mode is not in alignment with being able to receive from an energetic perspective. It’s kind of like saying, I want this, while at the same time pushing it away from you; or like driving with your breaks on. Either way, not very productive.

What I’ve learned in my 18 years of being a business owner is that we can make results in two ways. We can work our butt off, long hours, take massive action and being at high alert at all times – which by the way will lead you to burn out! Or, you can take a different more sophisticated approach.

I can tell you, I have tried both. The first one caused me to lay sick on my couch for a few years unable to work, feeling incapable of being a mom or taking care of my children and spending a small fortune of the money I had made in order to get my health back, which by the way was not even working.

The second approach…, is quite a bit more exciting. It allows me to take several vacations a year, have a very flexible schedule, work just a few hours a day, take most Fridays off, don’t work weekends and still make just as much if not more than I did when I was working my butt off. All while making huge impact and transforming the lives of my clients, serving thousands of people on a daily basis with my teachings and sleeping well at night – knowing that I am doing the work I’m meant to do, and I am making an impact in people’s lives. No more stressing and worrying and I can tell you it’s a very different way of living.

So, which route would you rather take? Maybe you believe it needs to be hard or you don’t deserve it? Maybe you think if it’s easy, then it has to be a scam? Too good to be true? Well if you do believe this, then you’ll probably continue to struggle and make it hard for yourself.

But for those of you who would rather be able to enjoy your life and business and live a lifestyle that supports your health and well-being, while doing work you love and are meant to do, keep on reading.

One way to find out if you are pushing what you want away from you is listen to your feelings. If your desires and goals feel painful, then you are pushing things away from you.

If your desires and goals feel painful, then you are pushing it away from you. Click To Tweet

You are feeling the pain because deep down you don’t believe you can have it or that you don’t deserve it or are worthy of it.

There can be many reasons for this; You may think it’s going to be too hard for you and believe you have to do a million things to get there, so you feel kind of overwhelmed. Maybe you don’t really believe you can have it, so you feel pain when thinking about it. Maybe you are worrying constantly about what you have to do to make it happen, stressing out, and thereby pushing it away? Maybe you’re even worried about whether or not you are good enough to make it happen.

Let me break it to you: You are good enough. You are worthy enough and you do deserve to have what you want! It can be a lot easier. And you can live your life and run your business worry free.

You are good enough. You are worthy enough and you do deserve to have what you want! Click To Tweet

Here are six things you need to understand in order to put yourself into alignment with doing things the easier way:

  1. Understand that you’re not doing it alone. What I mean by this is there is a stronger force in the Universe that is helping you get what you want. This is the same force that makes sure that you wake up in the morning and that you can breathe. This powerful source will always look out for you, no matter what. But you may be blocking receiving the support simply by not trusting that you are supported.
  • Understand that you don’t have to know how what you want is going to come to you. Your job is to decide what you want things to look like. Then, it’s the job of the Universe to deliver this to you in the quickest and easiest route possible. That means that it will probably come to you in a way you could not even imagine, so there’s really no point in trying to figure out how. Let the how be shown to you and let the Universe do most of the hard work for you. You will realize that after you make a decision to do something, the resources, people and everything you need to make it happen will be revealed to you. But you have to get clear about what you want first.
  • Rid yourself of limiting beliefs that tell you that you cannot do it, that you are not worthy or deserving of having what you want. Start believing in abundance. The Universe is abundantly taking care of us every day. You are alive aren’t you? When was the last time you went hungry? Is there not enough air for us all to breathe? Know that you are worthy just because you are alive, that you will get what you believe, and if your beliefs are not in alignment with what you want, maybe you have outgrown them and need to change them? The beliefs you have today got you to where you are now, and if you want a different future you may need to shift your beliefs to get there.
  • Know that you cannot have a desire in your heart that you cannot also fulfill. If you desire it, you can have it. This is based on the law of polarity, one of the laws of the Universe. What you want is seeking you.
  • Understand that you are the creator of your own reality and you have the ability to design your life any way you want it. You are in charge. You are more powerful than any circumstance and you are the cause of what your life looks like. Not the economy, not other people; you. This means you need to take 100% responsibility for everything in your life, the good and the bad.
  • Be careful what you think about, because your thoughts become things. You will create what you focus on most, whether you want it or not. What are you focusing on?

Feel like you could use some help? Click here to apply for a complimentary Life & Biz Alignment Session with me to get clear on what’s been holding you back and how to turn things around.

About Vibeke

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I believe that the foundation for wealth is inner peace and that success should never sacrifice your health and well being.

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Vibeke's Bio

Vibeke's Bio

I’m Vibeke Schurch, the founder of Success-soul Living® and The 5D Business Model®.

I work with coaches, healers and change-makers to help them grow their business and live life on purpose so they can use their unique gifts to make a difference in the world while creating a lifestyle aligned with their soul blueprint.

Ever since my spiritual awakening many years ago when I healed myself from “chronic” illness in just two weeks, it’s my mission to help you wake up to your inner power and potential. I want to show you how to use your mind to manifest your wildest dreams and create your own heaven on earth while living life on purpose, and serving the people you are here to serve.

In my 20 years as a small business owner, one thing is crystal clear to me: What helps you thrive is not your not your intelligence, level of experience or skill-set, but the programming in your subconscious mind. You can be programmed for struggle and lack, or flow and abundance. In my work, I help you reprogram your mind for success and abundance so you can create a prosperous and fulfilling life living your life’s calling and doing the work you came here to do.